Irish Daily Mirror

state must intervene to stop this scandalous targeting of easy prey


WE didn’t burn the bondholder­s, but we’ll burn the families.

“Vulture” best describes what these corporate giants do.

They swoop in, circle over their vulnerable prey, before ripping them to shreds.

The biggest mistake we can make is to define the housing crisis by just those who are looking for a bed for the night.

Mortgage holders may go to sleep in their own bed tonight and yet brace themselves for the nightmare of losing their home – even though they are making repayments.

A fortnight ago, the Irish Mirror launched its own campaign against a rogue deal whereby Permanent TSB are selling 11,000 loans to Smart Mortgages.

Since then we have heard from droves of families who are being terrorised by the bank.

In most cases their financial woes began in 2008 – the same year taxpayers coughed up a whopping €64billion to bail out the banks. You’ve got to ask yourself, what could our crumbling health service have done with that money?

But the political elite billed nationalis­ing the banks as taking back the reins. Now 10 years on, Finance Minister Pascal Donohoe insists he’s not the one in the saddle – but really he is the one taking us for a ride.

He says Permanent TSB has to do what the European Central Bank tells it. It has been ordered to axe non-performing loans, in other words reduce bad debt, but those who are fulfilling the terms of a restructur­ed agreement are still on the hitlist.

The State owns 75% of Permanent TSB so it should act to stop this sale, or at the very least ask the Central Bank to intervene to delay it until the Dail resumes, allowing for debate.

As Adrian Connolly, whose story we featured earlier this month, pointed out: “Don’t tell me the minister doesn’t know what’s going on, you don’t own three-quarters of a bank and not have a say in what is happening.”

Crippling fear has made many too scared to speak out, so without revealing their identities we will give you a snapshot of some of their heartbreak­ing real-life tales.

A stonemason in Clare lost his job as the constructi­on sector crashed.

His first child was born shortly after and, because his wife’s job was still secure, he stayed at home to mind the baby until he could find more work.

He had built their family home on a site he already owned and the couple borrowed €220,000 in total.

Now 10 years on they have stuck to the terms of a restructur­ed payment plan, but they are still being thrown to the wolves.

He said: “All the time they were just leading us up the garden path. They’ve pulled the wool over our eyes.”

A Wexford woman told us how her arrears amount to just two months’ repayments, yet she is being targeted.

She said: “We owe €2,700 in arrears, but there is an agreement in place to clear that.

“We borrowed €199,500 14 years ago and we still owe €167,000. From our calculatio­ns we have paid over €130,000 in interest to the bank.”

And this is just the tip of the iceberg with many suffering in silence, dreading the postman’s arrival and a letter which could turn their lives upside down.

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