Irish Daily Mirror

KELLY SAYS LABOUR NEEDS ‘A SHAKE-UP’ Backstop is essential for Brexit deal, vows Barnier Natalie & Mark game for top fashion show

Rebel deputy appeals for leadership change ‘to create new vision’


Michel Barnier A BREXIT deal will not be signed if there’s no “backstop” for the border, the EU’S chief negotiator warned yesterday.

Michel Barnier also insisted the withdrawal agreement must be signed by November.

In the event of a no-deal break-up, the EU wants a backstop that would create a border in the Irish Sea between the island of Ireland and Britain.

Downing Street insists the measure should include the UK as a whole.

But Mr Barnier said: “With no backstop there will be no agreement.”

He has asked UK Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab to supply data on how checks and controls along the Irish Sea might work.

Mr Barnier added: “We must have a detailed backstop solution which is legally operationa­l in the Withdrawal Agreement.

“The Prime Minister Theresa May has committed herself to this, as have all the leaders of the EU institutio­ns.

“It’s a matter of some urgency. We have to work on drafting an operationa­l backstop.

“I’ve asked Dominic and his team to give us a certain amount of data which is necessary for the technical work which we need now on the nature, the place, where and how the necessary controls and checks take place.” Natalie Dormer & Mark Feehily yesterday Pair dressed to impress GAME of Thrones actress Natalie Dormer and ex-westlife singer Mark Feehily turned on the style at the ISPCC Brown Thomas fashion show yesterday.

Bono’s wife Ali Hewson and TV host Lorraine Keane also joined the star-studded event at the Interconti­nental Hotel in Dublin.

Dormer is an ISPCC ambassador and launched the luncheon in its 18th year.

You could say she’s Throne herself into the role. Brendan Howlin and Alan Kelly THE Labour Party was in turmoil last night with Brendan Howlin’s leadership being openly challenged by Alan Kelly.

But the embattled chief has no plans to quit claiming he has the support of its 50 councillor­s.

Mr Howlin was backed by Labour Parliament­ary Party chairman Willie Penrose who said he was disappoint­ed at the health spokesman’s comments.

Mr Kelly strongly suggested there should be a change of leadership and a new outlook.

Speaking to Tipp FM, he added: “We need a radical shake-up. We need to change the direction of the party. We need a different vision. We need far more energy.

“I think Brendan needs to consider what is best for the Labour Party.

“I certainly believe from a leadership point of view, after two-anda-half years we haven’t been able to turn the ship around.”

Labour is languishin­g between 3% and 6% in the polls and on that level would face being almost wiped out if an election was called.

Mr Howlin claimed Tipperary TD Mr Kelly has no support in the Parliament­ary Party and only the backing of a small number of councillor­s in calling for a new leader.

He said: “Most people in the party want us to get on with the job and do not want us to go down the rabbit hole of some contest.” Labour TD Willie Penrose defended Mr Howlin, adding: “I was disappoint­ed by Alan Kelly’s interview this morning on Tipp FM.

“I have no problem with anyone who has ambitions to lead the party but he or she should respect the processes through which the party chooses its leader.

“We have a vibrant internal democracy unlike some parties, and every councillor, senator and TD will have an equal chance to have their say at our meeting in Drogheda on September 16 and 17.

“The party has had three leaders in five years. Having a fourth is not going to magically improve our poll ratings.”

We need to change the direction of the party & need more energy



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 ??  ?? BACK IN BLACK Ali Hewson & Lorraine Keane
BACK IN BLACK Ali Hewson & Lorraine Keane

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