Irish Daily Mirror

NEEDS EU ( well apart from this one )


met with the British Prime Minister yesterday and put that to her bluntly.

“I told her she needs to live up to the commitment­s she made last December and that nothing less will do.

“Regrettabl­y, her toxic deal with the DUP has undermined progress.

“The DUP have moved from a position of trying to prevent a hard border to actively promoting one.”

Senior EU officials are demanding new “concrete proposals” from Mrs May on how to end the deadlock.

Her 10-minute address is being billed as “the moment of truth” as optimism for a deal faded fast yesterday.

Speaking after being briefed by Brussels’ chief negotiator Michel Barnier, EU Council President Donald Tusk said he saw “no grounds for optimism” ahead of the European Council summit. He added: “As I see it, the only source of hope for a deal for now is the goodwill and determinat­ion on both sides. However, for a breakthrou­gh to take place, besides goodwill we need new facts.

“Tomorrow I am going to ask Mrs May whether she has concrete proposals on how to break the impasse.

“Only such proposals can determine if a breakthrou­gh is possible.” Mr Tusk’s comments Theresa May with EU leaders yesterday came as Mrs May urged her Cabinet to “stand together and stand firm”.

The latest round of negotiatio­ns are expected to continue late into the night before the EU Summit itself gets underway tomorrow.

While Mr Varadkar will lead the Irish delegation it is understood Mr Martin will also be in town for discussion­s.

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 ??  ?? CONCERN Mary Lou Mcdonald
CONCERN Mary Lou Mcdonald

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