Irish Daily Mirror

How did Trump win? Because of a dumbed down public... and you could say the same about UK and Brexit


Picking the bones out of his statements on British politics is trickier than dissecting his US positions. Moore hates Trump, absolutely detests the President.

Can he think of a single good thing to say about the Oval Office’s orange resident? “No.”

Trump and Brexit are twin outrages he brackets together. “You have a dumbed-down public – and you can say the same thing about the UK too,” is his stinging verdict.

The Oscar winner’s new movie about his nemesis, Fahrenheit 11/9 – that date taken from the November day after Trump’s shock victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 – is brutal.

This isn’t just the cinema case for Trump’s prosecutio­n. Moore’s the judge and jury who finds the President guilty of crimes against the American people.

“He only believes in Donald J Trump. His whole ideology is Trump, so a malignant narcissist is the most dangerous person to have as the leader of any country because everything goes through the filter of ‘how does this affect me, is it good for me?’, not is it good for the people of this country.”

Moore also effectivel­y accuses the President of incestuous paedophile tendencies over uncomforta­ble past behaviour with daughter Ivanka – now a White House aide.

“I feel bad for her... even if nothing happened, it’s a form of child sexual abuse to go on TV and say the thing you have most in common with your daughter is sex or that if she weren’t my daughter I’d be dating her,” snorts


“Or he says ‘hi’ to a 10-year-old and then when she’s out of earshot he says, Moore and his new film ‘I’m going to be dating her in 10 years’.” The Left-wing crusader argues, correctly, that almost any other figure in public life would be out of a job and probably in court if they said half the sleazy comments uttered by Trump.

“The law says a teacher must report if a child, a student, comes to them and says my dad keeps saying if I wasn’t his daughter he would be dating me, my dad says the thing we most have in common is sex. Here’s a picture of my dad making me sit on his lap and kissing him,” Moore states.

“If you showed that to a teacher, if a 13-year-old girl showed that to a teacher, the teacher’s required by law to report that particular individual to child-protection services. And if you do not, you could be arrested, as a teacher, on felony charges.”

Trump’s speeches lip-synced over Hitler is central to a warning from Moore that the US constituti­on may no more protect Americans from a tyrannical president than Germany’s saved them from the Nazi leader.

“I don’t say Trump was Hitler, I implied Hitler could’ve been Trump – it’s Trump’s voice coming out of Hitler’s mouth, not the other way around,” he says. “I didn’t paint a little moustache on Trump. I took Hitler and defamed him by having Trump coming out of his mouth.”

The attack is intensifie­d by accusing an increasing­ly authoritar­ian President of fascism. “The fascism of the 21st Century will not come with co w sh st Be

It’s a form of child sexual abuse... to say on TV that if she weren’t my daughter I’d be dating her. I feel bad for her

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