Irish Daily Mirror

Zoe’s €100,000 target for op to help her walk

Two-year-old with cerebral palsy desperatel­y needs surgery on her spine in US


A COMMUNITY is trying to raise €100,000 for a two-year-old girl who needs a life-changing operation on her spine.

Little Zoe Murphy, who was born with spastic quadripleg­ic cerebral palsy, will struggle to walk for the rest of her life if she does not get the procedure.

The condition has left the toddler with severe muscle pain and in recent months her parents Eamon, 37, and 32-year-old Lynda have used cannabis oil to relieve her spasms.

Now the family is hoping to gather enough money for the surgery in the US and follow-up care.

Lynda said yesterday: “The response has been unbelievab­le, absolutely unbelievab­le. We have just passed the halfway mark and the fundraisin­g is continuing.”

The procedure Zoe will be going through is known as Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy.

It will be performed at St Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri by paediatric neurosurge­on Dr TS Park, who has operated on a number of Irish children in his career.

Although the operation will not cure her cerebral palsy, Lynda and Eamon have been told Zoe is an ideal candidate for SDR and Dr Park believes it will enable her to walk independen­tly.

A Gofundme page has been set up to raise funds for the surgery and the intensive physiother­apy needed afterwards, expected to cost €100,000.

Lynda added: “People are coming up to us and offering to help.

“Now I can see the surgery actually happening due to the phenomenal response.”

Zoe was diagnosed with a brain injury that causes cerebral palsy.

This operation aims to reduce the muscles displaying spasticity and improve her chances of walking.

It will mean she and Lynda will be away from sisters Kayleigh, 12, Brooke, 11, and 9-year-old Teagan for five weeks. Among those who have gone to great lengths to contribute are 38 members of Eamon’s extended family.

Their “fundraisin­g, donation-seeking and event organising” has so far raised €20,416 toward Zoe’s goal.

And Jim Murphy, Dundalk FC historian and a huge fan of the club, is selling a poster of all their kits over the years.

Praising the response to her daughter’s plight, Lynda said: “It has changed me as a person and my outlook.

“When Zoe has her treatment I want to pay it forward and help other children because so many are looking for the same surgery.”

■ To make a donation visit www.­ppeal.

Amount raised by dad Eamon’s family through fundraisin­g events

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