Irish Daily Mirror



THE Spanish footballer at the centre of the fake death fiasco said he’s not leaving his dream job – despite becoming a household name.

Fernando Lafuente Saiz made headlines around the world in November after his old club Ballybrack FC in Dublin pretended he died in a car crash in order to axe a match.

The scam spiralled so far out of control that players at other games in the Leinster Senior League paid their respects by wearing black armbands and observing a minute’s silence before their games.

The 29-year-old said despite getting a taste for the limelight over the past few weeks with public appearance­s and newspaper and radio interviews, he would never leave his job with the mobile app team at Glofox in Galway.

The company, which was set up in 2014, offers software to the fitness industry.

Fernando said he will now be taking a step back from all the publicity.

But he revealed he would still jump at the chance of appearing on a cookery show or Dancing With The Stars. Speaking to the Irish Mirror at the Paddy Power shop in Ballybrack yesterday, Fernando said he has been asked for photos and autographs since the story broke.

He added: “Nobody is going to improve my working conditions right now, I get paid really well.

“I don’t think anyone is going to give me the job of my life, I already think I’m working at the job of my life.

“This is probably going to be my last public appearance. Except if Dancing With The Stars contact me.

“That’s the only thing that will get me back.

“I have never danced in my life but I think that’s even funnier.

“I would also do a cooking show. I have never cooked but my grandparen­ts own a bar back in Spain so I’m sure it’s in my genes.

“It’s been insane. I have had people asking me for photos, I signed my one and only autograph. I actually did an interview in Spain for prime time TV.

“That was awesome because everybody recorded it and I remember my grandparen­ts and stuff were super happy with me appearing on the news.

“They were bragging about me in the hairdresse­rs and everything.”

Fernando said the players of Ballybrack FC have been in touch with him to thank him for the way he dealt with the whole scenario.

He added: “They texted me, ‘You’re a legend’ and, ‘We are really happy with how you handled it’ because many people expected me to start throwing my weight around but it was the opposite thing. I have had fun.”

Fernando also told how he has yet to decide on a football team to play for next.

He added: “There’s a bet going on but I don’t have a club yet.”


Our front page stories about Fernando’s amazing story

It’s been insane, I’ve had people asking for photos and autographs FERNANDO LAFUENTE SAIZ

 ??  ?? COVERAGE
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? ALIVE & KICKING Fernando Lafuente Saiz in Dublin yesterday
ALIVE & KICKING Fernando Lafuente Saiz in Dublin yesterday

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