Irish Daily Mirror

Poor must not pay price of Varadkar’s carbon tax


THERE’S only one difference between a carbon tax and ordinary tax….the former has the word carbon before it. Apart from that it’s another run-ofthe-mill levy designed to make money and, as always, hit the poorest hardest.

The claims by our Tory Boy Taoiseach a carbon tax has less to do with raising revenue and is more about changing behaviour will not wash with most.

They remember how the “temporary” Universal Social Charge was supposed to be an emergency measure only to discover it has morphed into another level of income tax.

Back then it was a case of fleecing the public to save the banks, now Leo wants to screw families and commuters to save the world.

That’s not to say the planet is not in peril because of climate change, it is, but hammering the least well off with more tax is not the way to go about it.

It’s not surprising Leo Varadkar is attempting to get political consensus before Fine Gael imposes another levy on an already overburden­ed public.

The chaos on the streets of France over increased fuel prices is no doubt a stark reminder to him of what can happen when you push people too far.

The water charge protests which almost brought down the Government and levelled Labour will be on Leo’s mind. Still, the leader of a party which threatened to cut off drinking water to families supposedly fretting about the quality of air is something to behold.

After the last Budget there were claims by environmen­talists there was a missed opportunit­y for Ireland to do its bit to prevent global warming.

But it could just as easily be described as a failed chance to make it more difficult for older people and the poor to heat their homes with coal and turf.

Meanwhile, the Moneypoint power station, which is temporaril­y offline, burns two million tonnes of coal annually. That’s a lot of carbon but where’s the tax?

The problem for Leo and the Irish Tories is when it comes to taxation and fairness they are not trusted by a section of society. The €14.3billion back tax from Apple sitting in a bank account which the Government refuses to touch is a case in point. You’d buy a lot of carbon credits with that.

Incidental­ly, Ireland has spent €120million since 2007 on carbon credits – greenhouse gas allowances – to plug the emissions gap.

While the Taoiseach wants to penalise us into burning less fossil fuels, he appears to have an aversion to burning things, especially bank bondholder­s.

Before Christmas it was revealed a group of Anglo Irish Bank bondholder­s are to be paid €267million despite promises from former Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny they would not get a cent.

Documents recently uncovered by investigat­ive journalist

Ken Foxe reveal how the Government considered a special tax system for the top executives of multinatio­nal corporatio­ns, which would see them pay a flat rate of 30% while most of their workers were hit with 40%.

Had it come to pass it would have been among the most generous tax schemes in the EU but the plan had to be abandoned after the Attorney General said it might breach EU laws on State aid. Even the British Tory party wouldn’t dare try a scam like that.

This amounted to a separate, secret and more lenient tax regime for an elite, wealthy 5% by the same Government which now wants to hammer people with a carbon tax whenever they heat their home or use their car.

Is it any wonder there are serious misgivings about any new tax when the public know that when it comes to Fine Gael the wealth of the few takes precedence over the wellbeing of the many?

In its current form all a carbon tax would do is punish people driving to work when they have no alternativ­e.

In many other EU states public transport is subsidised – in Luxembourg it’s free – while here fares continuall­y rise and the entire bus fleet is fuelled by dirty diesel.

As for the pretence that electric cars are the future, they might be if drivers had a means of charging them.

In Drogheda, where I live, which has a population of more than 50,000, I know of two charging points and they are at the local Lidl store, so what would be the point in investing in an electric car?

To add to the hypocrisy, the vast bulk of the electricit­y which might power such vehicles is still generated by fossil fuels and will be for the foreseeabl­e future.

If it is all about changing behaviour, as Varadkar claims, he might change his own and put a real plan in place to allow the public to reduce emissions instead of hitting them with a tax to reduce their income. Varadkar

The wealth of the few takes precedence over the many

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IN THE PINK Ariana Grande

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