Irish Daily Mirror

Mum has baby with wife.. then falls for their sperm donor


her daughter’s curiosity about her birth father. “Alice wanted to know her genetic heritage and aged 11 asked for a DNA testing kit from her gran for Christmas,” she said.

The results revealed that an “Aaron Long” was a 50% paternity match. They also reported: “Bryce Gallo, 25%, half-brother.” Jessica, via detective work and social media, discovered a possible fatherhood candidate.

She sent him a note, found he was the Aaron she knows now and they began talking.

“We became friends on a social network site and he sent me a 50-page life history, which I devoured,” she said. “He’d spent years with a band in the town we lived in.

“I wondered how many times we’d walked past him in the supermarke­t.” For five months, the pair continued to exchange messages.

Then in July 2017 Aaron organised a “Meet My Kids Party” in Seattle and invited all his biological children he had found – plus Jessica.

When they met she noticed how familiar he seemed, as many of his mannerisms resembled Alice’s. “He looked and acted like people I’d known and loved for a decade,” she said.

Weeks later she began having problems with her landlord. Aaron, 52, said a place had just become available at his communal apartments block and suggested that as he felt himself growing close to Jessica she and their daughter might move in for a while.

The pair began dating and now live together with Alice.

Last May they were joined by another of his biological daughters – Madi, now 21. Jessica had been in touch with Aaron’s bio-son Bryce, a college graduate who conducted research into his own origins.

“Bryce told me he found a total of six children from Aaron and mine were Nos 7 and 8,” she said. “He had been raised with a sister but he wondered if Madi, an only child, would be interested in developing a relationsh­ip with Alice.” The two youngsters came out to Seattle on a visit and Jessica said Madi was so endeared by the clan’s lifestyle that she moved in with them.

She added: “Who knows how many more of Aaron’s bio-kids there are? He estimates there could be 67.

“The building may not accommodat­e all of them but I’ve got the sandwiches and the door’s open.”

She told how daughter Alice is still little haunted by her a younger half-sibling, who vanished from her life when they were aged just three and one.

“Alice dreams of the sister she was raised with and whom she is afraid she’ll never see again,” said Jessica. “But she knows deeper than most children that family is neither geneticall­y created nor forged via parenting alone. Parenting did not make her mom stay. And genetics also seems an unimportan­t part of who she is.” Alice said she views Aaron more as her mum’s boyfriend than a father figure, adding. “You can’t just adopt someone as your dad.”

Aaron’s delight in his new-found family unit is evident. Recalling his days as a sperm donor, he said: “When I told my mother, she prescientl­y wondered aloud if this was the only way she’d have grandchild­ren.”

Right away he resembled people whom I had known and loved for a decade

Aaron and Jessica were united by twist of fate

 ??  ?? Jessica Share has found love again Bryce Gallo Aaron Long, who invited all his children to a party Madi, 21, has moved in Daughter Alice, 13
Jessica Share has found love again Bryce Gallo Aaron Long, who invited all his children to a party Madi, 21, has moved in Daughter Alice, 13
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? IN LOVE
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? THE T-SHIRT SAYS IT ALL Aaron with his bio-girl Alice
THE T-SHIRT SAYS IT ALL Aaron with his bio-girl Alice

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