Irish Daily Mirror

Probe as taxi driver robbed by knife yobs


Garda appeal A TAXI driver was held at knifepoint and robbed by three teenage yobs.

The cabbie was bringing the group from Parnell Square to Tyrrelstow­n in Dublin last Sunday.

Along the way they asked to get off at Littlepace Road in Clonee.

After coming to a halt the front seat passenger grabbed the dashcam before one of them pulled a knife on the cabbie.

A Garda spokesman said: “The driver was allegedly threatened with a knife by a passenger who demanded cash. Investigat­ions are ongoing.”

The victim did not receive any injuries but was left shaken.

Some dashcam footage was salvaged and was handed over to gardai.

Bomb attack on Grand Hotel Brighton by IRA terrorists Peaky Blinders

The creative team behind the hit BBC series have revealed they are working on a new show based on the Provos’ bid to kill the former British Prime Minister in a Brighton hotel bomb attack.

Mrs Thatcher survived the explosion which ripped through her suite in the early hours of October 12, 1984, and went on to deliver a keynote speech to the Conservati­ve Party conference later that day.

The four-part series will use fictionali­sed characters to “re-imagine” the attack, which killed five people when the longdelay time bomb detonated.

Adapted from the best-selling novel High Dive, by author Jonathan Lee, the series is being produced by Caryn Mandabach Production­s, the company that owns and produces Peaky Blinders.

Screenwrit­er Eric Roth, who previously won an Oscar for his work on Forrest Gump and most recently penned the script to A Star Is Born, is co-writing the new drama.

High Dive centres around main character Dan, an eager Belfast boy who heads to the Grand Hotel desperate to do his part for the IRA.

Mr Lee said: “It’s a huge thrill to work with Caryn and Eric on adapting my novel for the screen.

“I’m looking forward to reimaginin­g the material for television.”

Mr Roth added: “High Dive is a literary tour de force, that rare combinatio­n of knuckle-busting real life tension and the deep-felt humanity, the heartbreak of the lives that are affected.”

Meanwhile, Caryn Mandabach credited the talent involved in the new series, saying: “Timeless in its depiction of how politics and politician­s tend to crush the human spirit, Jonathan Lee’s brilliant book is more relevant now than ever. Of course, nothing more need be said about Eric. He is simply a master.” Margaret Thatcher


Year of the bomb in Brighton which killed five people


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