Irish Daily Mirror

Smarten up over kids on phones


THE news that kids who spend their days glued to their mobiles don’t do as well as others in school tests is cause for concern.

We all know our children would be better off reading a book than scrolling through social media – but now it’s official.

The Economic and Social Research Institute collected data from 8,500 youngsters to examine the academic performanc­e of pupils.

It was found those who owned a phone from aged nine score 4% less on average in reading and maths by the time they reached 13.

A total of 40% of all children were in possession of a mobile at the age of nine – so that’s thousands of Irish kids affected by the devices.

This is the first time the ESRI has looked at the impact of mobile use on children’s academic developmen­t.

It’s important this close monitoring continues into the future as it will provide evidence about the potential effects of screen time and mobile use of young Irish people.

You have to ask the question – if it is affecting them in tests aged 13, how will they fare by the time the reach the Junior and Leaving Cert?

Some schools are consulting with their staff, students and parents on whether phones should be allowed or if restricted access should be put in place.

After all children go to primary school to learn the three Rs, not to see how many “likes” Kylie Jenner’s bum has on Instagram.

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