Irish Daily Mirror

TWO ARRESTED OVER FIRE BLAZE ‘MURDER’ Winter about to bite and chill on way Suspects are held after arson crime probe is upgraded


Wrap up well THE big chill is coming as “widespread frost” and freezing -2C temperatur­es are set to hit Ireland tonight.

Daytime temperatur­es will remain in single digits over the next few days while nights will be bitterly cold.

It will be in sharp contrast to the conditions of the first half of an unusually mild January.

A forecaster said: “Tonight will turn cold with lowest temperatur­es of -2C to 2C with a widespread frost and some icy stretches.

“Tomorrow night will start dry with a slight frost in the east. Rain will spread from the west with sleet over Ulster hills and north Connacht. Minimum temperatur­es of 0C to 4C.” TWO men were arrested yesterday after a fire tragedy turned into a murder probe.

Officers investigat­ing the death of Oliver Murray, 59, who died following a blaze at his home in August revealed they had upgraded the case to murder.

Two men, aged 37 and 51, were arrested in connection with his death and were last night being quizzed by officers at Bailieboro­ugh Garda station.

The source of the fire at the time was not known, however officers were hopeful that technical examinatio­ns carried out at the scene would determine the course of the investigat­ion.

The alarm was raised after a neighbour noticed flames coming from Mr Murray’s property in Derrylurga­n, Ballyjames­duff, Co Cavan.


Two units of Cavan Fire Service attended the scene.

Nobody else was injured as an adjoining house was not occupied at the time.

A local councillor said Mr Murray lived in the area his whole life and was well-known and liked.

Fine Gael’s Paddy Smith said the local community assumed the investigat­ion had come to a conclusion last year and were shocked at yesterday’s developmen­ts.

He told the Irish Mirror: “It’s surprising people were [allegedly] involved. I thought the investigat­ion had died away, that they had done their homework and they couldn’t come to this conclusion.”

Cllr Smith added Mr Murray was a nice man who lived alone at the time of his death.

He continued: “Oliver was a man that lived on his own and he was a good neighbour to anybody who knew him.

“He kept his place well and kept himself.” to

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