Irish Daily Mirror

The name game


BOX1: The word ‘parfait’ comes from the French word meaning what?

Dessert (M) Perfect (N) Pretty (Z)

BOX2: Hanoi is the capital of which country?

Thailand (E) Vietnam (O) China (K)

BOX3: What is the hottest planet in our solar system?

Venus (S) Mercury (T) Mars (A)

BOX4: Which author wrote the novel The Hunger Games?

Suzanne Collins (H) Danielle Steel (W) J K Rowling (L)

BOX5: Which park do Yogi and Boo-boo Bear live in?

Jellystone (J) Rockmounta­in (C) Yellowston­e (B)

BOX6: How many years are there in a decade?

10 (C) 12 (F) 6 (E)

BOX7: Maisie Williams (pictured) plays which role in the Game of Thrones TV series?

Lysa Arryn (X) Sansa Stark G) Arya Stark (A)

BOX8: Which artist released an album called The 20/20 Experience?

U2 (I) (R)

Justin Timberlake (Y)

BOX9: What would live in an apiary?

Doves (V) Fish (H) Bees (N)

BOX10: In the film How to Train Your Dragon, what type of dragon is Toothless?

Thunderdru­m (C) Night Fury (H) Boneknappe­r (P)

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