Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes


March 21–April 20

If you aren’t the one who is keeping a secret, a friend or colleague could be hiding the truth from you. Be honest with yourself and with others if you have informatio­n to prove someone can’t be trusted. An important issue needs to be addressed and you can’t hide from this any longer.

For more call 1560903220­1


April 21 – May 21

Dwelling on your mistakes or what went wrong in the past is preventing you from unlocking the power of the present. Concentrat­e your energy instead on setting longterm goals and taking action that puts you on a new path. Focus on accomplish­ing something that will make you feel good about yourself.

For more call 1560903220­2


May 22 –June 21

You’re taking stock of what you have accomplish­ed so far, what you hope to achieve and when. Decisions made today could alter your future. You realise it is time to stop telling yourself you can’t and to really believe that you can. Instead of constantly berating yourself, believe in yourself.

For more call 1560903220­3


June 22 –July 23

Discussing your hopes, dreams and expectatio­ns with your family will open up unexpected avenues of exploratio­n. You feel drawn towards mystical subjects as a means to understand the mysteries of the universe. Taking up a spiritual pursuit will provide profound contentmen­t.

For more call 1560903220­4


July 24 – August 23

Even when you’re aiming for a specific goal you can make changes to the journey. Your path towards an aim may take an unexpected detour. You’re starting to take pleasure in every step you make as you realise some distractio­ns are too important to ignore. Enjoy the journey.

For more call 1560903220­5


Aug 24 – Sept 23

Since you rarely put things off you might start feeling annoyed with yourself because of your inability to make up your mind. You are facing a number of choices and simply can’t decide which to go for. When in doubt, flip a coin and this at least will prompt you to start moving forward.

For more call 1560903220­6


Sept 24–Oct 23

Something you see or hear will remind you of a family tradition from childhood. Rituals will make your life feel richer and deeper. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel inspired to add modern touches to an old tradition or to learn about a new ritual based on a different spiritual path.

For more call 1560903220­7


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Well meaning friends and colleagues are giving unsolicite­d advice. Listening to their ideas and suggestion­s causes you a lot of confusion. Although it may not feel like a sensible strategy, delaying an important decision seems to be your best course of action. Keeping a diary may clear your thoughts.

For more call 1560903220­8


Nov 23 – Dec 21

Instead of allowing what you did wrong in the past to influence your thinking, switch your attention to what you have done right. Focus on where opportunit­ies might lie in the present moment and how you can take advantage of these. Include activities that give you pleasure in your schedule.

For more call 1560903220­9


Dec 22 –Jan 20

After feeling as if you’ve been trying to force a square peg into a round hole, suddenly everything starts to get easier. Now you know it has been worth the effort and your optimism will help the next phase go smoothly. Friends are keen to follow your lead with ideas and plans.

For more call 1560903221­0


Jan 21 – Feb 19

You don’t have to struggle with a difficult project all on your own. Accept a friend or colleague’s help with a grateful heart. You seem to be attracting change like a magnet when just one decision to try something new could lead to some big changes in your lifestyle. Keep things in perspectiv­e.

For more call 1560903221­1


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Keep going and you will get results. If you give up, you can’t expect to feel any sense of achievemen­t. Work through the challenges and keep telling yourself that it will be worth it in the end. Give yourself a small reward for each step you take towards your goal, and try to enjoy the process.

For more call 1560903221­2

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