Irish Daily Mirror

What next?



A string of Brexit motions will be tabled, with one calling on Parliament to take control of the process by holding “indicative votes” later in the week. De facto deputy PM David Lidington has vowed to let MPS debate potential outcomes in the next 14 days.


Possible date for the third “meaningful vote” on the divorce deal. But Mrs May warned on Friday she may not hold the vote at all, if she doesn’t think she can win. Or the Speaker John Bercow may take the decision out of her hands.


After PMQS, MPS led by Tory Sir Oliver Letwin hope to win parliament­ary time to force votes on Brexit options. This would see if there is a majority for alternativ­es such as Norway-plus, a permanent customs union, a free trade agreement or a second referendum.


Depending on the voting system used by MPS, the result of the “indicative votes” could come today. Downing Street sources suggest this is the likeliest day for a third vote on Mrs May’s deal – the best time to persuade Tory Brexiteers to swing behind the PM.


Parliament has until 11pm, the moment at which the UK legally leaves the EU, to delay Brexit but it will probably happen earlier in the week. MPS and peers will get a single vote on secondary legislatio­n to change the date from March 29 to May 22 or April 12.

.. & THEN

If the PM fails to get her deal through by April 12, the date by which we need to legislate to hold European elections, she must set out next steps to the EU for a longer extension – or we leave without a deal. But if her deal has passed, we get Brexit on May 22.

 ??  ?? RULINGS Speaker John Bercow
RULINGS Speaker John Bercow
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? VOTES MOVE Tory Oliver Letwin
VOTES MOVE Tory Oliver Letwin

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