Irish Daily Mirror

Who’ll take the wheel?

The six Tory frontrunne­rs who could be ready to take on leadership challenge...



Has made his mark as Environmen­t Secretary. He can be ruthless and stood against Boris Johnson in leadership contest.

Seen by Brexiteers as one of their biggest brains but has remained loyal to Theresa May.


The former Foreign Secretary is thought to have a campaign team ready to go. The Brexiteer is homing in on the Backstop and supports leaving with no deal. Popular with Tory grassroots but remains error prone.


The Foreign Secretary is seen as a safe pair of hands. One of the favourites, he campaigned for Remain but accepted the referendum result. He is one of Mrs May’s most loyal allies. Could lack grassroots support.


The Home Secretary backed Remain but now supports Leave. Keen for the top job but allies say he would rather do it after Brexit chaos. A capable player. His selection would make the party appear more diverse.


A powerful younger Euroscepti­c voice, very much on the right of the party. Called for the UK to leave the EU years before the referendum. Has regularly hinted at leadership ambitions since stepping down from Cabinet.


The former Education Secretary, who voted Remain, has been touted as a “unity” candidate for working with Euroscepti­cs. A key player in the push for a “meaningful vote” on Brexit deal for MPS. Backed Gove as PM.

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