Irish Daily Mirror

Travel test


WHAT: The Falconer’s Quest birds of prey show at Warwick Castle. The daily display, which runs until November 3, is included in admission: online tickets start at €22 per person when booked at least five days in advance. Short breaks start from €199 per night for a family of four.

WHERE: Warwick Castle is two miles from J15 of the M40 and is signposted. Direct trains run from Birmingham and London to

Warwick station, which is a 15-minute walk from the castle.

EXPERIENCE: The quest follows a prospectiv­e falconer on his travels around the world to find the most impressive birds of prey for the

Earl of Warwick so he can land the full-time job.

As he discovers each stunning creature he introduces them to the audience by having them swoop low above the crowd on the bank of the River Avon with the imposing castle as a backdrop. One harrier hawk skimmed so low, its wing brushed my hair.

Beginning with a beautiful barn owl, the show includes several huge eagles and hawks but the highlight is seeing an Andean Condor with a 9ft wingspan glide fly past.

The finale of the show sees a flock of up to 70 birds of prey fill the sky above you, showing off their aerobatics as they swoop and dive for titbits thrown by the falconers.

Warwick Castle is a great day out and the Falconer’s Quest is a spectacula­r addition to the package.

QUIBBLES: As with all too many UK tourist attraction­s, the food is a bit pricey.

VERDICT: The Falconer’s Quest is the UK’S biggest birds of prey show and a unique chance see a host of feathered killing machines flying up close. If you don’t book up this summer, you’ll be a soar loser! 10/10

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