Irish Daily Mirror


Murder trial told boy broke down crying


ONE of the boys accused of murdering Ana Kriegel broke down crying as he described hearing her scream, the Central Criminal Court heard.

In a Garda interview, Boy B said he left Ana with Boy A at an abandoned house. On hearing the noise he was scared and ran away.

The accused have each pleaded not guilty to murdering the 14-year-old Co Kildare schoolgirl at Glenwood House, Laraghcon, Clonee Road in Lucan, West Dublin, on May 14 last year.

Boy B added: “I thought that [Boy A] and Ana got attacked or something and I ran because I thought that [Boy A] would be able to handle the situation because he’s big, he’s strong, he’s tall.”

The jury also heard that in an earlier interview, when Boy B was told Ana’s blood was found on Boy A’s shoes, he replied: “No, no, [Boy A] wouldn’t do that.”

Boy A is further charged with and denies aggravated sexual assault on the schoolgirl.

The jury has been watching video footage of interviews Boy

B gave on May 24 and 25 last year at Finglas Garda station. He told gardai he wasn’t in the house in which Ana’s body was found and that Boy A had brought her there.

Boy B added he walked away and was halfway across a field when he heard a scream.

He said: “It was... a really like strong scream like I knew by it that it was Ana, but since [Boy A] was there Ana Kriegel I thought she’d be fine, he would protect her. The screams were like really loud and just before it ended it got muffled like someone covered her mouth.”

In another interview, Boy B was shown a series of photograph­s relating to the Garda investigat­ion.

When he looked at one of a length of tape at the scene, he said: “Wait a minute, holy s**t, oh my God.”

He added he gave Boy A what he described as constructi­on tape a couple of weeks earlier. He said Boy A asked for it because he was making a weapon and told him it was going to be “pretty big”.

The trial continues.

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