Irish Daily Mirror

CRACKDOWN BY GARDAI AFTER DOUBLE MURDER Two drivers are arrested after they ‘test positive for cocaine’

- BY NIALL O’CONNOR Crime Editor

Sean Little and Jordan Davis GARDAI have launched a crackdown after the slaying of dealer Sean Little and have arrested two men for suspected drug driving.

The 22-year-old and his friend Jordan Davis were blasted to death in gangland murders in the space of 16 hours.

Davis, also a drug dealer, died in a hail of bullets as he walked his four-monthold son near a community centre in Darndale, North Dublin, on Wednesday.

Little had been found with gunshot wounds next to his burning car by firefighte­rs in a laneway near Balbriggan, North Co Dublin, the previous night.

Both men are believed to have been killed in a gang dispute over drug debts.

Little’s associates and pals, a number of whom have close links to the Kinahan gangster dubbed Mr Flashy in Finglas, North Dublin, have been warning of violence.

They threatened journalist­s at the scene in Balbriggan on Wednesday and Thursday and it is believed they may be planning a retaliator­y strike.

A source said: “These men were stopped in convoy.

“The two drivers of the cars were roadside tested for cocaine and they tested positive. They were given a preliminar­y test which returned findings that they were intoxicate­d.

“They will be charged with the road traffic offence.”

Gardai are also examining CCTV footage of Davis’ shooting which captured the moment a gunman on a bike blasted the 22-year-old to death.

Asst Comm Pat Leahy issued an appeal to young people to turn their back on drug gangs.

Mr Leahy said: “We are appealing to the young people out there at the moment, not only in Dublin but across the country, please do not get involved at any level with the drugs trade.

“We consistent­ly hear comments, ‘He’s only doing a little bit of low-level dealing, he’s only taking a little bit of gear here and there’.

“What we are saying to the public and to parents and to young men and women is please, please do not get involved at any level.

“Low-level dealing now is enough to have your life taken at a young age and we’ve seen it time and time again across the city over the last number of weeks and the last number of years.

“Do not get involved with the drugs trade at any level.”

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Asst Comm Pat Leahy

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