Irish Daily Mirror

Healy-rae in hospital after fire at office

Court is told officers caught in street battle


Michael Healy-rae

MICHAEL Healy-rae has been hospitalis­ed after a fire at his office, it has emerged.

The TD was brought to University Hospital Kerry yesterday morning after the blaze broke out at the premises at Sandymount in Kilgarvan.

It’s believed the dad of five suffered suspected smoke inhalation during the fire which happened at around 9am.

The 52-year-old’s brother Danny – also a TD – told Radio Kerry Michael was taken to hospital after the “small fire”.

He added everyone is fine as he thanked the public and the emergency services for their help.

Gardai confirmed to the Irish Mirror inquiries are ongoing.

A GARDA yesterday denied attacking an RTE cameraman during a clash between antiislam and anti-racism groups.

Sean Lucey is accused of assault causing harm to Colm Hand at Cathedral Street, Dublin city centre, on February 6, 2016.

Lucey, with an address in South Dublin, also denied damaging a camera on the same date.

Prosecutor Fiona Mcgowan told the city’s circuit criminal court gardai were on notice of a rally by Pegida – a group that opposes what it “perceives as the excessive Islamisati­on” of European countries.

She said officers were also on notice of a counter rally organised by the “anti-racism network in Ireland and other like-minded groups”.

Garda Sgt Derek Fleming told the court Lucey was detailed to a public order unit with six other members and he was in charge.

Later he said he received reports of “left-wing protesters” on Cathedral Street, with some putting on masks. He said Pegida supporters had entered a pub on the street.

Defence counsel James Dwyer put it to the witness the protesters did not intend to “have a clear-headed debate about immigratio­n policy”.

Gda Sgt Fleming said: “It was going to be violent.”

He added his unit and two others went to the area. These officers did not have helmets or shields.

The witness said gardai made a line across the street to stop the protesters reaching the pub.

Sgt Fleming added the crowd had grown and were “extremely aggressive”. He said he directed the gardai in his unit to draw batons. He said around 15 men who had their faces masked began to resist gardai.

Sgt Fleming agreed he saw protesters trying to hit gardai with closed fists and trying to take batons.

He said some protesters were hit with batons as they were a direct threat to safety and anyone attacking gardai had their faces covered.

The court heard three more public order units, fully kitted out in riot helmets and shields were deployed behind the “soft cap” units.

The witness said the separation line was never breached and after about 30 minutes the mob dispersed.

He said during this time the Garda members were verbally abused and were being filmed by the protesters.

Sgt Fleming said the protocol was gardai should use non-violent means to control a crowd and force should only be used “as a last resort”

The trial continues.

 ??  ?? TROUBLE FLARES Gardai face mob in Dublin in February 2016
DEFENDANT Garda Sean Lucey yesterday
TROUBLE FLARES Gardai face mob in Dublin in February 2016 DEFENDANT Garda Sean Lucey yesterday
 ??  ?? BLAZE

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