Irish Daily Mirror

English football does NOTHING about racism, and it will carry on until they start shutting down grounds


THE most depressing aspect of the alleged racist abuse suffered by Fred and Jesse Lingard in the Manchester derby on Saturday wasn’t the incident itself.

We all know how people are capable of behaving — you could probably see it happening in pubs up and down the country on any given week.

No, what has actually depressed me more is the fact English football hasn’t stopped and said, ‘Right, enough really is enough this time.

We’re quick to jump on the Bulgarians and the Montenegri­ns, the Spanish and Italians, but what are we doing about it?’

The answer is, ‘Not enough’, and by not enough I mean nothing. We should have been hearing on Sunday morning that the Premier League had called an emergency news conference, at which they made clear that, if it happens again — at the Etihad, Stamford Bridge, Villa Park, wherever — it will result in half the stadium being closed for the next home game.

And that, if it happens again after that, it will result in a full stadium closure. Instead, all we got was a wishy-washy statement saying, ‘We’ll deal with it, bye-bye’.

They basically just paid lip service to it and stepped aside to let Manchester City deal with it, which was a disgrace.

We in the media also need to take some blame because, when Bulgarian supporters abuse England players, it’s front and back page news.

But how many outlets have put it on their front and back pages this week? Not many.

We need to call out ‘Kick It Out’ as well because they aren’t being anywhere near strong enough.

We should have had a statement from them saying, ‘We look forward to a part-closure of the Etihad, lots of love, Troy Townsend’ but we haven’t seen anything like that.

I have the utmost respect for Troy but, ultimately, there’s only so much he and his organisati­on can do because they are part-funded by the Premier League, that’s the stark reality of it. I would like to congratula­te Gary Neville for the way he spoke about it.

He said that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s rhetoric towards immigrants and immigratio­n has given rise to the number of racist incidents we’re experienci­ng, and that was an important and ballsy thing to say.

His words certainly got a lot more traction than they would if it had been me or my Mirror Sport colleague, Darren Lewis, saying the same thing.

I’ve consistent­ly addressed the problems football and society has with racism since I became a full-time pundit in 2008 and the problem is that, after a while, your voice starts to get lost. People just brush it off as, ‘Oh, Collymore’s banging on about racism again.’

That’s why I get so angry that there aren’t more black players and pundits willing to speak out.

Only Raheem Sterling has really spoken on the subject, which isn’t good enough, because only when more voices are heard will we all realise how much stronger we need to get in tackling racism in sport and society.

We always hope that an incident like this will be the tipping point but it never is.

And until the Premier League and FA start shutting down grounds then the tipping point will be a long, long way off.

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