Irish Daily Mirror



FEBRUARY 2014 — Russian President Vladimir Putin opens the Winter Olympics in Sochi (above). Russia tops the medal table, with nearly twice as many medals than in 2010.

DECEMBER 2014 — Allegation­s of corruption and systematic doping from former Russian Anti-doping Agency official Vitaly Stepanov and his wife, Yulia, an 800m runner who had been banned for doping. The Stepanovs go into hiding.

NOVEMBER 2015 — WADA declares Russia’s anti-doping agency non-compliant and shuts down the national drug-testing laboratory. The IAAF suspends the Russian track federation in a ban that remains in place today.

MAY 2016 — An investigat­ion chaired by Canadian lawyer Richard Mclaren (above) flags hundreds of covered-up doping cases in dozens of sports.

The Internatio­nal Olympic Committee starts retesting old samples from the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, eventually banning dozens of athletes from Russia and other countries.

AUGUST 2016 — Russia competes at the Olympics in Rio with a reduced squad after dozens of athletes fail vetting of their drug-test history by sports federation­s.

The IOC resists calls to ban Russia entirely, but the Paralympic­s kick Russia out. The Russian team is fourth in the Olympic medal count.

AUGUST 2017 — Russia is allowed to send a team of 19 officially neutral athletes to the world championsh­ips in London after being vetted by the IAAF.

DECEMBER 2017 — The IOC officially bans Russia from the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchan­g. However, it allows 168 Russians to compete as “Olympic Athletes from Russia.” Two Russians fail drug tests during the Games. FEBRUARY 2018 - Russia reinstated by the IOC.

SEPTEMBER 2018 — WADA reinstates the Russian anti-doping agency against opposition on condition they turn over stored data and samples from the Moscow laboratory that could implicate more athletes.

DECEMBER 2018 - Russia misses the deadline set by WADA.

JANUARY 2019 - Russia finally hands over the files.

SEPTEMBER 2019 — WADA says the lab data may have been tampered with and gives Russia three weeks to explain.

YESTERDAY — WADA votes unanimousl­y to ban Russia from the Olympics and other major sports for four years.

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