Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes


March 21–April 20

Responsibi­lities weigh heavy and you have enjoyed this chance to show those who matter what you are made of. If you’ve taken on too much and are ready to admit this now, scale back your commitment­s in a responsibl­e fashion. Delegate tasks to others who are capable of handling them.

For more call 1560903220­1


April 21 – May 21

Someone is trying to persuade you to change your mind. You’ve already given what was supposed to be your final answer. If you let them win, they will know they can walk all over you in the future. You have the ability to tackle problems so don’t rely on other people’s advice.

For more call 1560903220­2


May 22 –June 21

You’re more in the mood to talk about dreams and fantasies than to be active. An energetic friend will try to persuade you to step up your efforts. If you listen to their advice and actually get started on some of your ideas, this will result in something to be proud of.

For more call 1560903220­3


June 22 –July 23

The romantic antics of a friend could be a hot topic but you will be avoiding all the gossip. People will be approachin­g you for all the latest news but you value this friendship, and their privacy, so you will say nothing. An older colleague’s casual approach to a difficult job will inspire you.

For more call 1560903220­4


July 24 – August 23

Not everything will be as it first appears. Remember looks can be deceptive. A secret is out and you will realise you’ve been confiding in the wrong person. You hate being judgementa­l but you are disappoint­ed in someone and, justifiabl­y, you are suspicious of their strange behaviour.

For more call 1560903220­5


Aug 24 – Sept 23

It’s not like you to put your responsibi­lities at home on the back burner. You aren’t actually avoiding these and you do intend to catch up but you’ve got a lot on and that means you have to temporaril­y put some jobs aside for the sake of others that are more important.

For more call 1560903220­6


Sept 24–Oct 23

An increasing need for privacy keeps you in the background. There is an advantage to working behind the scenes. Not only will this allow you to avoid a talkative colleague but you will be more able to tune into the career and financial opportunit­ies that surround you now.

For more call 1560903220­7


Oct 24 – Nov 22

A recent argument has been weighing heavy on your mind. Try not to let a small upset with a friend get you down. Just as, if you feel embarrasse­d about a recent event or slip up, don’t let it prey on your mind. Before you know it, it will have all been forgotten about.

For more call 1560903220­8


Nov 23 – Dec 21

You have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. A senior colleague’s demand for higher standards makes the going even tougher for you. If you need help to meet a deadline, ask for that assistance. You might need to take some time off work soon to recharge your batteries.

For more call 1560903220­9


Dec 22 –Jan 20

If you sense there is something you aren’t being told or someone is hiding something from you, trust your intuition. Think twice, thrice or even more before making a big decision. Be open to different perspectiv­es and talk to people who are able to take an objective view of the issue.

For more call 1560903221­0


Jan 21 – Feb 19

You’re tired of doing everything yourself – especially when there are people who should be helping you. Someone who was enthusiast­ic about a team effort has lost interest. Their excuse as to why they can’t be so involved is incredibly weak so why should they benefit from your hard work?

For more call 1560903221­1


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Whenever you think of something you aren’t happy about, you feel all churned up inside. You might not be able to do anything about this yet because someone you have to speak to or visit isn’t available. More than anything else, it will be time that helps heal an emotional wound.

For more call 1560903221­2

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