Irish Daily Mirror



DOZENS of children are dropping out of school nativity plays due to illness, the HSE said.

Children under nine made up almost 90% of Respirator­y Syncytial Virus cases reported in the first week of December and 109 of 370 incidents of flu were amongst the same age group.

Experts report norovirus outbreaks are also at “a high level” nationally.

A Public Health Department spokesman said: “It is important to bear in mind the majority of cases do not get laboratory testing and thus do not get notified to us.

“In the HSE East region, there is currently a high burden of respirator­y syncytial virus [a major contributo­r to common cold illnesses], influenza and mumps compared with previous years.”

Yesterday the headmistre­ss at one top South Dublin primary school praised pupils who stepped into unfamiliar roles

Nativity scene in the Christmas play when 14 youngsters from a single class had to miss their moment in the limelight due to viruses.

Also known as the Winter Vomiting Bug, norovirus is currently sweeping the

UK where dozens of schools have shut. An HSE spokesman said: “Local department­s of Public Health are available to give advice to principals who have noticed pupils absent from school due to possible norovirus, including appropriat­e hygiene measures such as hand washing and deep cleaning.

“Schools wouldn’t usually be advised to close due to norovirus illness, but all pupils and staff who have symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea would be advised to stay out of school while they have symptoms and for 48 hours after symptoms stop.

“Flu cases have increased over the last few weeks and will continue to rise over the winter.”


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