Irish Daily Mirror

€53k ‘heroin’ is sniffed out by Garda dog

- BY CATE MCCURRY news@irishmirro­

Rex found drugs

A MAN has been arrested after a Garda dog discovered €53,000 of suspected heroin at a house.

Gardai from the drugs unit in Cork city, with the assistance of the southern region dog unit and officers from Blarney, carried out a search at the home in the Grenagh area on Wednesday.

During the course of the raid, Garda dog Rex located the suspected heroin.

The force confirmed the drugs will be sent for analysis.

The male, aged in his 30s, was arrested at the scene shortly before 3pm and brought to Gurranabra­her Garda station, where he is currently detained and being questioned by officers.


Patricia O’connor

CCTV footage that would appear to show the murdered woman was actually “alive and well” and had walked out of the house at 9.34pm that night.

In her closing speech, senior counsel Roisin Lacey said this was done in case anyone was looking for Mrs O’connor or if she was reported as a missing person down the line.

The lawyer described the cases against the two women as “inextricab­ly linked”.

Stephanie was seen talking in the garden with her mum and Greene at 9.15pm and 9.21pm on the night of the killing. A “plan was hatched” to have Stephanie pretend to storm out of the house in the guise of her grandmothe­r, said Ms Lacey.

Evidence was given that a female could be seen leaving the front of the house in CCTV footage at 9.34pm on May 29 and walking quickly down the driveway with a suitcase in her hand. At 10.05pm that night, a female with a coat over their arm and carrying a suitcase appeared at the left-hand side of the house and went in the back door. She closed the back door a minute later.

When shown the footage of the figure, Louise identified it as her mother.

However, a jury has found the person was Stephanie O’connor wearing a disguise. The trial has heard Patricia had already been murdered by this time.

Killer Greene was seen on CCTV footage closing the curtains at the back of house at 6.52pm. A minute later, Louise and Stephanie O’connor and some of the kids left to go to the park.

Evidence was given that when gardai asked Louise in her interviews why she had left the house to go to the park, she replied she wanted “to get peace from my mum”.

When gardai asked her whether they had left to get “permanent peace”, she denied this, stating: “If you are saying we left so he [Greene] could do something, you’re sadly mistaken.”

The jury will resume its deliberati­ons this morning in relation to the remaining accused Johnston of Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght, South Dublin.

The 43-year-old denies assisting Greene in the purchase of various implements at Woodie’s, Mr Price, B&Q and Shoe Zone, which were to be used to conceal the remains of Mrs O’connor.

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