Irish Daily Mirror

I reversed my diabetes in three months!


James Russell, 75, from

Bedford, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in his

70s, but by overhaulin­g his diet he was able to beat the disease – and ditch the pills…

When I see the news about people my age I’m glad I lost weight because of a diabetes diagnosis. I’m still in the highrisk group for coronaviru­s but at least I feel fit and healthy now. A few years ago, I had just lost my dear wife to cancer when my GP told me I had type 2 diabetes. He put me on the drug Metformin but said because my blood sugar levels were only just in the danger zone there was a chance I could bring them down and control the condition with diet and exercise.

I’d never been particular­ly overweight but I’d put on a few pounds since middle age – and they’d added up. I was surprised to find I was 15 stone.

Shopping for one, I found I could make healthy choices surprising­ly easily – it was mostly a matter of checking the packets for sugar and fat, and buying fewer sweet treats.

I ate more fresh fruit and vegetables, reduced my portion sizes and swapped by breakfast bacon sandwich for poached egg on wholemeal toast. I also cut out beer and limited red wine to a couple of glasses a week. And trying to get my golf handicap below 15 for the first time ever made for good exercise!

After three months I’d lost two stone. The doctor took me off the Metformin and told me to keep up the good work.

Since then I’ve not looked back. I joined a walking club, which was also good for my social life – I met my new partner Mary there.

Even now we do four to five socially distanced walks a week.

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