Irish Daily Mirror


Riley, seven, writes letter to hospital heroes after grandad’s Covid-19 coma


A BOY of seven has thanked the hospital heroes who saved his grandad’s life as he battled deadly Covid-19.

Riley Bedford wrote a touching note after Patrick, 72, was left in a coma for a week.

He said: “Thank you for saving my Papa’s life. I missed him a billion per cent.”

Meanwhile, four more people have died of the virus, the lowest daily toll since March 27. A further 88 patients have been infected.

LITTLE Riley Bedford told yesterday how he missed his grandad “a billion per cent” as he battled Covid-19 in hospital.

The seven-year-old praised doctors and nurses after Patrick, 72, was put in an induced coma and on a ventilator in intensive care for seven days.

He drew a picture on a postcard for the health workers and wrote: “Thank you for saving my Papa’s life. We are so grateful to every staff member in the hospital.”

Riley and his mother Grace live with her parents Patrick and Marie and earlier this month the pensioner spoke about how his life was saved by staff at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, Co Louth. He spent 26 days in the hospital where he was “at death’s door” and said staff “treated me like royalty”.

Patrick also gave special praise to a doctor who stayed with him and held his hand while he was put into the coma.

Among those missing him most was his Riley, who said: “I felt sad when Papa was in hospital. It helped when we could Facetime Papa so I could see him.”

Grace said her son adores his grandparen­ts and he was not told Patrick had Covid-19 as they did not want to worry him.

However, when he was rushed to ICU Grace had to tell Riley his granddad was very sick.

She said: “Riley was so upset, he didn’t make a sound initially but the tears poured down his cheeks and he hugged me so tight. I wanted to tell him everything would be OK, it was awful.”

Grace added Riley knew his grandfathe­r was having “a big deep sleep” and after their prayers every night they would add an extra one for him.

The mum kept her son as busy as possible while Patrick was in hospital and he even learnt

to ride his bike. Grace said “he couldn’t wait to tell his Papa this and asked me to call him, so it was quite tough having to keep telling him Papa was still asleep.”

She added: “He kept asking, ‘When will he wake up Mam he’s been asleep for so long now’ and I continued to say, ‘Soon, Riley’.”

Grace said the youngster kept herself and her mum going through the ordeal.

She added: “We had to keep the best side out for Riley as much as possible. He adores his Nana

»»Medics praised after 72yr-old put in coma for 7 days

and Papa as much as they adore him. There’s no one like his Papa, the love they have for each other is incredible.”

When Riley was told Patrick was getting better he wept with tears of joy and “the questions changed from when will he wake up to when will Papa be home?”

When Patrick was allowed out of hospital he received a round of applause from family and neighbours.

Not only does Riley bring his grandad his food and ask if he needs anything, he said: “I gave my Papa a teddy called ‘best dad’ so he could sleep with him and mind him.”

“All the staff in the hospital were very kind to my Papa and I love having him home.”

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THUMBS UP Patrick and Riley Bedford
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WRITE ON Riley’s note to hospital staff
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THUMBS UP Patrick and Riley Bedford
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