Irish Daily Mirror

Leo rapped as staff benefit is cut to €203

We are just eager to get the most out of the remaining season

- News@irishmirro­ BY FERGHAL BLANEY

look a little different. She added: “We did not want to turn stores into Covid no-go areas with big warning signs in yellow and black.

“We are trying to keep the public health messaging on brand and stay true to the tone and personalit­y of the shop.

“So our hand hygiene station says ‘Get Squeaky’ – we don’t want to scare people.”

The Government will foot an estimated €40million bill to prepare shops for the post-covid-19 era with Perspex screens, hand sanitiser stations, and one-way systems.

Ms Mccabe revealed there will be other innovation­s such as being able to reserve an out-of-hours slot to spend more browsing safely.

She added: “The message to customers is come back, shop local and enjoy some retail therapy. It is a safe, enjoyable space to shop and browse.

“People are looking to spend, there will be a lot of pent-up demand.”

Meanwhile, the Chief Medical Officer confirmed last night five more people have died from the coronaviru­s and another 38 cases of Covid-19 have been detected.

There have now been 1,664 deaths and 25,142 infections in the Republic.


CORONAVIRU­S supports for workers are set to be slashed by the Government this morning.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar confirmed last night he expects the proposals to cut the Covid-19 benefits to be endorsed at his Cabinet meeting of ministers.

It will see the crucial welfare payments that over half a million workers and families rely on to keep mouths fed tapered out in the coming weeks and months.

And it will see the €350 support that is a vital crutch for tens of thousands of part-time workers cut almost in half to €203.

The move was slammed by Opposition parties in the Dail who said it would cause huge problems for households trying to get back on their feet as the crisis continues.

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou Mcdonald said: “The mantra from the Government throughout the crisis has been that we are all in this together.

“However, the Government’s plan to cut the Covid payment contradict­s that message.”


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