Irish Daily Mirror

Hypocritic­al to lobby for US illegal Irish & not migrants


TDS are hypocritic­al to lobby for undocument­ed Irish people in the US and not unregister­ed migrants here, the Dail has heard.

Fianna Fail’s Niall Collins also accused the State of racism on the issue.

He said: “They may have overstayed their visa but they are here and want to contribute to society, so we have to deal with that reality.

“We campaign for the undocument­ed Irish in the US and I think we are hypocritic­al as a nation and as a State for not dealing with it here.”

Labour TD Aodhan O Riordain echoed his comments.


He said: “We have to call out Irish America about their support for Donald Trump.

“We have to call out Irish communitie­s in Britain who are so anti-immigrant, which is so hypocritic­al.

“How can we go to the US on St Patrick’s Day and hand over shamrocks and advocate for undocument­ed Irish in America and not do the same here for the 26,000 undocument­ed workers here in Ireland? They are vulnerable and poorly paid.”

Fianna Fail TD Jim O’callaghan said such online platforms can aid the spread of racist messages.

He added: “Globalisat­ion and social media can have a very negative impact because it allows for racists to spread out their hate online and get into the minds of young impression­able people.

“Unfortunat­ely, one of the consequenc­es of social media is that people are now compartmen­talised into different groups and what algorithms tells them they should read after reading a certain article.”

Justice and Equality Minister Charlie Flanagan said the country needs to face up to the fact racism occurs in Ireland.

He warned: “Racism is insidious and is present to some degree in every society, including here in Ireland.”

 ??  ?? CRITICAL Niall Collins TD
CRITICAL Niall Collins TD

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