Irish Daily Mirror

Jim baldly goes for a chat

Are you a celebrity worried about quietly going under the knife for a hair transplant?


You’re not alone – there’s a whole network out there.

Having decided his receding hairline left him looking like “a snooker-playing vampire”, comic Jimmy Carr discreetly spoke to several high-profile names, who offered personal advice, before having his own recent transplant.

Jimmy told all on Peter Crouch’s Save Our Summer on BBC1 at the weekend. And, as we reported on Saturday, he joked that his hair had been “socially distancing from my forehead” before surgery.

He had also heard several stories of botched surgeries from celebritie­s. Transplant expert Spencer Stevenson, who spent six months giving Jimmy advice on the best options for his treatment, says: “He was very keen to meet any other celebrity patients. Jimmy came across people who had jumped in with both feet and done it without doing any research and ended up paying the price.

“He wasn’t anxious about it. At the end of the day, he’s 47 and he’s still got a great head of hair. He just wanted to tweak it and make it better.” Jimmy, who had hair transplant­ed from the back of his head to the front, explained: “I had enough hair, it was just in the wrong place... a bit of redistribu­tion.”

Spencer admits Jimmy could have got away with his discreet surgery – especially during lockdown. He says: “His hair loss wasn’t extensive so it’s not like he’s gone from being completely bald to having a big mane of hair. It was always going to be a discreet session.

“He could have easily got away with having it done but with him being a comedian he wanted to have the first and last laugh, rather than getting outed by speculatio­n.”

Spex Hair’s Spencer says Jimmy’s openness will encourage others to speak honestly about their own hair loss and not suffer in silence.

 ??  ?? GROWTH Jim in 2018 and on Saturday
GROWTH Jim in 2018 and on Saturday

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