Irish Daily Mirror

Conway out

Trump’s senior advisor quits before election


KELLYANNE Conway – one of the US president’s most influentia­l advisers – has announced she is leaving the White House at the end of the month.

Campaign manager during Donald Trump’s 2016 election race, she was the first woman to successful­ly steer a White House bid before becoming a senior counsellor.

Ms Conway informed the president of her decision in the

Oval Office.

She cited a need to spend time with her four children in a resignatio­n letter she posted on Sunday night.

Her husband George has become an outspoken Trump critic.

Ms Conway wrote: “We disagree about plenty but we are united on what matters most: the kids.

“For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.” She is still slated to speak at the Republican National Convention this week.

Her husband, a lawyer who renounced Trump after the 2016 campaign, had become a member of the Lincoln Project, an outside group of Republican­s devoted to defeating the president.

The politicall­y adversaria­l marriage generated much speculatio­n in Washington and online. Ms Conway worked for years as a Republican pollster and operative and originally supported senator Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican primary.

She moved over to the Trump campaign and that August became campaign manager as Stephen Bannon was made campaign chairman.

Bannon was indicted two days ago for fraud.

Ms Conway was also known for her robust defence of the president in media appearance­s, at times delivering dizzying rebuttals.

She once extolled the virtues of providing “alternativ­e facts” to support her case.

 ??  ?? RESIGNED Conway

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