Irish Daily Mirror

Secret talks over visit to Ireland this summer

- BY FERGHAL BLANEY Political Editor

SECRET talks are under way to bring US President-elect Joe Biden to Ireland for his first State visit this summer.

A top Government source told the Irish Mirror a trip “has been discussed at a senior level” this week.

It is hoped the new President can stop off in his ancestral home in the second week of June to coincide with his attendance at the G7 summit of world leaders in Cornwall.

A second source said crucial “planning talks” that would be required have started behind the scenes at Iveagh House, home of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Mr Biden has visited Ireland numerous times in the past and is keen to return.

He told Taoiseach Micheal Martin on a call after his election win “try and stop me” visiting again.

It is understood he would stop off here on his way to, or back from, the diplomatic conference which takes place from June 11 to 13.

Mr Biden has spoken proudly of his Irish roots on many occasions and is able to trace both sides of his family back to Louth and Mayo.

A source said: “Certainly the hope is that he will visit here. The G7 would be the time we would look at and we’re hopeful. Put it this way, as he said himself, try and keep me out.”

The second source added: “It is something that would take some level, a huge level, of planning and I know that my colleagues in Iveagh House have been talking about it this week already. The planning has begun.”

It would be a major diplomatic coup if Mr Biden chose to come here in June as it would be one of the first countries he would visit in his new role.

A spokesman for the Taoiseach said that his boss is also “really hopeful” of a visit. He added: “There is an open invitation and they did have a discussion before where the President-elect did say, try and keep me out.

“So we’re really hopeful that when Covid allows he will make Ireland one of his first ports of call.”

In the meantime, the

Taoiseach will be standing

by the phone ready to take a call from Mr Biden that is expected in the coming days.

Mr Martin will also be seen and heard by tens of millions of Americans when he is scheduled to take part in a live TV interview with the CNN network on Friday.

The US Embassy was contacted about the potential State visit but officials said they never comment on such matters for security reasons.

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