Irish Daily Mirror




FAI chief Jonathan Hill insists he wasn’t offended by the Wembley-gate video that Stephen Kenny used to motivate his players.

The furore ultimately led to Damien Duff - who had ‘a whole range of issues with the FAI’, according to the CEO – and Alan Kelly quitting the coaching staff for different reasons.

But Hill has no intention of telling Kenny how best to motivate his team.

Kenny claimed it was a “big surprise” that the FAI felt the need to investigat­e the incident.

But yesterday Hill defended the 48-hour probe into the chain of events before the England clash in November.

“I was able to watch the video myself,” he said.

“When I sat in front of the board, obviously I was the only English person on that call and I could say that on a personal basis I was not offended by the video at all.

“Everyone accepted that motivation­al speeches are part and parcel of the world of sport.

“I don’t


that element of the issue was a surprise to [the players], Stephen used that technique.”

Hill is annoyed that Wembley-gate is still a hot talking point “three months on”.

But the media were unable to question him on it up to now as yesterday was his first press conference since his appointmen­t as John Delaney’s successor back in October.

Hill said: “Motivation is clearly a significan­t part of any coach’s armoury so I’m sure Stephen will seek to motivate his players in the way he feels best.

“I feel comfortabl­e that it was the right thing to establish the facts. We wanted to

know before we took it to the board. The board listened, debated and said there was no case to answer and we moved on. And genuinely I think we must move on from it. That’s my message to Stephen. We’ve had conversati­ons about it and both of us are in the same place – we want to move forward.”

Because of Covid restrictio­ns, Hill is still running the FAI from his house in London but met Kenny face-to-face recently when the manager was in England to watch games.

In December, the Ireland boss hit out at “people behind the scenes or elsewhere” who he felt were trying to undermine him. It was a strong and pointed statement but quizzed on it yesterday, Hill said: “We found no evidence of that.

“The source of the story to that UK media outlet could have been multiple sources. I’m not fixated on that, Stephen is not.

“I’d like the issue put to bed so we can move positively into the March World Cup qualifiers. “I believe we can qualify from that group and Stephen does too.”

While Kelly’s departure from the coaching staff wasn’t a shock, Duff ’s exit rocked the camp and Hill knows exactly why the Ireland legend packed it in.

But he said: “I don’t think there was a single issue, there was a whole range of issues.

“Obviously, I’ll keep them private. Damien explained some of the frustratio­ns historical­ly he had with the associatio­n.

“And he explained some of the frustratio­ns that he has with the associatio­n.

“Everything he said was understand­able, very valid and useful for me to hear, so unfortunat­ely, I don’t think it was one single issue for Damien.”

Motivation clearly plays a massive part in any coach’s armoury

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NEIL DOWN.. Neil Lennon got massive abuse from Celts fans
 ??  ?? UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT Stephen Kenny came under criticism for the video he used to inspire his
CALLED IT A DAY.. Duff, left, was not happy in his role in the Irish camp
UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT Stephen Kenny came under criticism for the video he used to inspire his players CALLED IT A DAY.. Duff, left, was not happy in his role in the Irish camp

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