Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes

Aries March 21–April 20 You might not get so wound up about an emotional issue if you take everything with a pinch of salt. Some matters will be blown right out of all proportion. Make sure that you aren’t the one to exaggerate a situation and instead do your best to keep everyone calm.

For more call 1560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21 The last thing you want to do is agree to get involved in a project that leads nowhere. A friend’s ideas are interestin­g but they aren’t realistic. You can’t see any potential in the plans they are talking about and may have to try to get them to take a more practical line of thinking.

For more call 1560 932202

Gemini May 22 –June 21 Not everyone thinks quite as quickly as you. Some don’t work at such a fast pace. You’re impatient and eager to see fast results – but if you want to continue working as a team then it would be in your best interests to slow down and hide your frustratio­n too.

For more call 1560 932203


June 22 –July 23 You and someone you argued with in the past may have no choice but to continue to work closely together. The one thing that you are both intent on is achieving a joint goal and where personal feelings are concerned, you should not let these stand in the way.

For more call 1560 932204

Leo July 24 – August 23 New interests loom on the horizon. A close friend or relative will persuade you into agreeing with some big plans for the future. You would normally have preferred to have more time to think it over but their enthusiasm is contagious. You’re excited to have this chance to get involved.

1560 932205

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Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23 If you’re looking at ways to make more money, think about selling your handiwork. People who appreciate your skills will be willing to pay good prices for your creative output. It may start with friends, then friends of friends then before you know it you could be running a profitable business. For more call 1560 932206


Sept 24–Oct 23 Changes in the family will take some getting used to. Whether it is a wedding, a birth or a new lodger moving in with you, give yourself time to adapt to changing circumstan­ces. A new sense of belonging and happiness will soon come with increasing family responsibi­lities.

For more call 1560 932207 Scorpio

Your family is one area of your life where you truly feel you can be yourself and where others appreciate your worth. That’s why you won’t complain about taking on new domestic responsibi­lities. If this is what it takes to help your family life run smoothly then this is what you will do.

For more call 1560 932208


Nov 23 – Dec 21 You might sense someone close is feeling under the weather. This might mean postponing plans already made. Although you will be disappoint­ed you do understand. You would hate for anyone to feel forced into having to do something they don’t feel up to just to please others.

For more call 1560 932209


Dec 22 –Jan 20 Someone you work or live with is uncertain about arrangemen­ts others are making. Their negative comments are making things tense. If you feel they should be offering support, stand your ground. They will eventually see there are benefits through making an effort to join in. For more call 1560 932210


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Jan 21 – Feb 19 Waiting for a quiet moment when you aren’t likely to be disturbed will be the best way to deal with an important money or job matter. Trying to concentrat­e on one issue when there is a lot going on around you will be almost impossible and will only lead to increasing frustratio­n.

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1560 932211 Pisces

Feb 20 – Mar 20

There is too much going on that will interfere with plans you and a loved one are making. You may need to consider the practical elements in moving a relationsh­ip on. The timing may not be right and the joy you were hoping to get out of new arrangemen­ts could turn to upset and disappoint­ment. For more call 1560 932212

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