Irish Daily Mirror

Worth the weight for Tommy..

Teen bodybuilde­r lifts title


Deep down I’ve always liked seeing how far I could push myself

A TEENAGER used his time during lockdown to transform himself into a bodybuildi­ng champion.

Leaving Cert pupil Tommy O’brien always had a healthy interest in sport and his physique.

But the 17-year-old from Co Donegal took things to extremes when he used every spare moment to research and perfect his look.

All the hard work paid off last week when the Glenswilly lad was crowned the Natural Bodybuildi­ng Federation of Ireland U19 National Champion.

Tommy said “I always liked to keep fit and deep down from an early age I always liked the idea of bodybuildi­ng and seeing how much I could push myself and to see my body transform.

“We all had plenty of time with the lockdowns and my family were very supportive when I started doing it seriously.”

Seeing Tommy in the grey uniform of St Eunan’s, you would never guess that beneath the tailored shirt and jumper in English class was the sculpted physique that brought him first place in his chosen sport.

He admits there was no fast-track to becoming a bodybuilde­r but simply hours of hard work – both cardio and weights. Encouraged by his parents Mary and Robert, Tommy first started lifting weights when the country went into lockdown in March 2020.

After his home gym he went to Adam Speer’s gym in Bomany outside Letterkenn­y before becoming a regular at the Aura Leisure Centre in the town.

Daily workouts consisted of 6.30am starts on the exercise bike at home before school and then to either Speers or the Aura after he had finished his homework.

And when it came to food, his “bulking” period saw him consume an average of 3,500 calories daily.

Those meals were all high in protein and carbs with lots of rice, chicken, fish, pasta and mince.

Breakfast was usually eggs, lots of toast and cheese and his lunchbox usually contained three ham rolls.

Despite the fake tan and the completely body transforma­tion, Tommy said his classmates and family have been hugely supportive.

He added: “People have been very kind and really encouragin­g. A lot of my school friends have been asking me lots of questions about bodybuildi­ng which is nice.

“I’m just delighted to be able to answer them and let them know about it. It’s such a great sport and I would be delighted to help anybody to get into it.

“I wouldn’t have won the title without the support of my family. They sacrificed so much for me and I’m so thankful to them.”

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 ?? ?? HEAVY MEDAL Tommy O’brien won U17 title
HEAVY MEDAL Tommy O’brien won U17 title

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