Irish Daily Mirror

Losing weight was a pizza cake...

Fitness trainer lost half a stone despite eating 10 slices a day

- SAMANTHA BARTLETT news@irishmirro­

A MAN who lost more than half a stone despite eating 10 slices of pizza every day for a month has revealed how he did it.

Personal trainer Ryan Mercer, 34, ate pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner and managed to lose a whopping three and a half kilograms (7.7lbs) during the 30-day challenge.

He took it on to show how calorie-deficit diets allow people to lose weight without having to restrict your favourite foods.

Ryan, from Bangor in Co Down, carefully planned his diet and made all the pizzas himself, while maintainin­g his usual exercise regime.

He said: “January is a tough month for people when it comes to fitness goals. I aimed to highlight not only fat loss about calories in and calories out but that it’s also not about restrictio­n.

“We don’t have to restrict our favourite foods to get results and I also wanted to encourage more people to prepare their own food.” Ryan’s usual diet is a flexible approach to eating, with a healthy protein intake, and seven to 10 portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

However, for the challenge, Ryan ate nothing but pizza.

He added: “I consumed pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

“I had two pitta pizzas and one larger doughbased pizza per day, this equated to roughly 10 slices per day. Additional­ly, I left room for additional snacks.”

Pizza is one of Ryan’s favourite foods but due to his busy schedule, he found it difficult to make time to prepare the pizzas himself.

Ryan said: “The hardest part of the entire diet was the preparatio­n.

“I did ensure I had a large variety of different pizzas to give myself some variance.”

He added: “I home-cooked everything. The estimated daily cost was around £6-a-day for two pitta pizzas,

and one dough-based pizza and three side salads. Additional­ly, I spent around £2 or £3 per day on snacks.”

At the end of the month, Ryan became leaner, which surprised many of his followers online.

He said: “This was a carefully planned dietary strategy. I designed a system, and this is what got me to my goal.

“Daily calorie intake was set at 18002100 Monday to Friday, 2,700kcal Saturday and Sunday, daily protein target 140g per day, daily fruit and vegetable portion goal, seven portions minimum per day.”

Ryan only recommends the diet if it suits the person’s lifestyle saying “everyone is different”.

His video reveal garnered over two million views online and has generated a huge response.

Ryan said: “It highlighte­d the confusion among the masses when it comes to fat loss and nutrition.

“I’ve had some negative comments, some very funny ones and of course some positive feedback.”

 ?? ?? PECS SAKE Ryan shows off physique
LITE BITE Ryan tucks in to his dinner
PECS SAKE Ryan shows off physique LITE BITE Ryan tucks in to his dinner

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