Irish Daily Mirror

I loathe our noisy neighbours but my wife won’t move

- DEAR COLEEN Dear Coleen

I’m hoping you can help me. This may seem very trivial but I’m worried that my marriage won’t last.

When my wife and I first got married, we moved into a small semi, luckily with very quiet neighbours.

When our daughter had children, we decided that we’d like to live nearer to them, but she lives in a more expensive area, so we now live in a terrace.

My wife likes our new house much more than I do and has put a lot of effort into making it look good. However, it’s the lack of privacy I hate. The people on one side are a real pain – if it’s not all-night parties, then it’s DIY. They argue and we can even hear them having sex.

My wife spends a lot of time at our daughter’s house, but I work all week and feel I can’t relax in my own home.

There are some nice houses a little further out, which would offer more privacy, but my wife isn’t interested in discussing it.

She loved this house and garden from the start, and I’m now thinking she loves it more than me. Any advice?

Coleen says

Worrying that your marriage won’t last isn’t trivial at all. If your house is getting you down this much, you need to be honest and say you can’t see yourself ever being happy there.

But, instead of just demanding to move, why not do some research and set up some viewings?

Maybe if your wife would agree to see other houses, she might be more open to the idea of moving.

I think the main thing is getting across it’s important that you’re both happy, otherwise it will put stress on the marriage.

You’re the one who spends most time at home and she should take your ideas and feelings into considerat­ion.

You must be able to talk about the potential options without being shut down or causing an argument. Buying a house should involve compromise – it’s not only a huge purchase, but it needs to work for everyone who lives there.

I remember looking at houses with my ex-hubby Ray and we’d often disagree – one of us would love a house and the other wouldn’t, so it was back to the drawing board.

Your home should be your sanctuary, and no one wants to be that person who is constantly complainin­g to the neighbours about noise. It’s incredibly stressful.

So, ask your wife to just be open to looking and to finding a compromise that works for you both.

They have big parties and we hear them having sex

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