Irish Daily Star - Chic

‘I usually spend every christmas Eve flying around the shops’

Fair City star Rebecca Grimes on planning ahead this year and her real-life December wedding… By Keeley Ryan


Fair City’s Rebecca Grimes has told how she’s “really looking forward”to Christmas this year — especially with her own wedding on the horizon. The actress, who plays Carrigstow­n’s Hayley Collins, told Chic how the plans are“all coming together”ahead of the big day as she opened up about her Christmas plans. She said,“i always work so much over Christmas, but this year I’ll be finishing up and then I’ll be having a couple of weeks off, which is great because I’m getting married myself.

“I think it’ll be really nice to kind of have that time to enjoy the planning and the preparatio­n.

“We’ll do a big family Christmas dinner, as well, like we always do — and I’m really looking forward to being rested over the Christmas period. Hopefully. That’s my aim, but you never know how these things go."

The actress added that while she“always ends up leaving everything to the last minute”, she is determined this year will be different.

She said,“i usually spend every Christmas Eve franticall­y wrapping or flying around the shops, trying to get the last few bits and then wrapping well into the night. But then I wake up exhausted on Christmas Day, and I’m just determined that I’m not going to do that this year. I’m going to chill, I’m going to be organised.

“Now, this is my plan — but let’s see if I can execute it.” Rebecca is set to tie the knot with her partner, Paul, this month — and told how the plans are“all coming together” well.

She said,“it's like throwing a really big party and hoping all of the pieces come together correctly and then just also rememberin­g that at the end of the day, it is a party.

“There's much more important things in the world than just one night for us, but hopefully it’ll all go well and everyone will have a good time.”

And there will be a special touch to the ceremony, with

her good pal Nyreeyerga­inharsian — who plays Melanie Petrosian on Fair City — set to be one of the celebrants.

Rebecca told how she was especially looking forward to having her friends do the ceremony.

She said,“nyree got married last year, and I was the celebrant for her wedding. She’s going to return the favour for me this year, alongside a friend of mine, Mairead.

“I’m really looking forward to having the girls do the ceremony.

“It’s really fun. I think it just makes it a really personal touch — it’s the people that know you best in the world, and it’s lovely to have it be a personal, intimate touch.”

Looking towards the next 12 months, Rebecca told how she’s a big fan of New Year’s Day and the start of a“fresh slate”.

She said,“i do love a new year. I love Newyear's Day, the beginning of kind of a fresh slate, wiping it clean and starting again.

“I do like to make a list of things that I’d maybe like to bring more of into 2024, and have a think about some of the things I’d like to leave in 2023.

“I like Newyear’s Day for a bit of reflection about that. I’m sure by the time it comes around, I will have resolution­s — but I haven’t made them just yet.”

It wouldn’t be the Christmas season without plenty of drama in Carrigstow­n.

And while Hayley hasn’t had the smoothest time this year, Rebecca told how she is going into the holidays“definitely hoping” that things will be a bit brighter.

She said,“she’s been quite unlucky in love and she's had a couple of almost relationsh­ips and near misses, and she's been through an awful lot. There’s been a lot of ups and downs.

“I think with James, she wasn’t expecting to fall for him in the way that she did, but they really hit it off — and she really does love him.

“So, she’s certainly been hopeful that this is a real thing.”

Rebecca added that while the lovedup Hayley and James have big plans for the holidays, an“explosive Christmas lunch”with the families leads to plenty of festive drama.

She said,“hayley knows that James isn’t the most popular character around the place and she knows her family has their reservatio­ns about them, and they’ve made that very clear to her.

“But she’s really trying to keep everybody happy, you know, and after James had his accident, she really doubled down on wanting to be with him.

“What’s coming up is basically they decide to elope.

“So yeah, what’s coming up is basically they decided to elope, and they’re planning this really exciting wedding in Vegas. It’s kind of this secret thing that I think will really bring them together, because it’s an intimate moment between the two of them.

“But with Hayley being such a family girl, she is completely guilt-ridden with her parents — and she feels she’s being a little bit duplicitou­s with it. “She’s feeling quite guilty about it, so they try to organise a Christmas lunch with all the family to try and kind of smooth things over between the two families and then break it to them that they won’t be there for Christmas. “But, of course, things don’t always go to plan — so there will be lots of drama at that kind of explosive Christmas lunch, let’s say.”

The actress told how she loves working with Matthew O’brien, who plays James Rafferty — and recalled how the two of them “really hit it off” from the get-go. She said,“we became really good friends really quickly. When we started working together — I’d known him from being in the show before, but we’d never really crossed paths a huge amount. I knew a lot of people that knew him, so we have a lot of people in common.

“But as soon as we started working together, we realised that we were cut from the same cloth. We have a great laugh and we’re constantly in contact outside of work.

“He’s come over to the house and hung out with me and my partner; we’ve gone out together, and stuff. He’s a really good guy and a fantastic actor, and it makes the days really fun and easy.”

Rebecca told how it’s“always a real privilege” and “such fun” to be involved in the Christmas storylines.

She continued,“it’s also a huge part of like, family traditions, to be sitting down to watch the soap’s Christmas special.

“It feels really lovely to be involved, and feels lovely to be a part of a big storyline. It’s a real privilege.

“But it’s a lot of work — it’s long days, and a huge amount of scripts and stuff like that. Every time you’re facing into Christmas storylines, you know you better have your porridge that morning. It’s going to be a long day, and you better be prepared.

“All of the other bits go out the window, your social life takes a bit of a backseat and all of the other obligation­s kind of take second place because your head needs to be in the game.

“It’s a big workload, but it’s always really rewarding — and it’s usually a lot of fun to do that dramatic stuff.

“The Christmas episodes always look beautiful, and there’s usually like, nice music and things like that involved — it’s really lovely, I love being a part of it.”

As for how she feels audiences are going to feel about the latest storyline, Rebecca noted that the“viewers know more than Hayley knows at the moment”.

She said,“i’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people willing Hayley and James to break up, you know — I get a lot of unsolicite­d advice on the street from telling me things like, ‘you need to break up with him; he’s no good for you’.

“Obviously, the viewers know more than Hayley knows at the moment. I think people are going to be willing Hayley to see sense and run a mile from James, but who knows.”

Rebecca told how she hopes to see Hayley “maybe get back on her feet in terms of her career”in 2024 and beyond.

She said,“she had her successful PR company, and then she had to sell that so the family could buy the house — that was a real selfless act.

“And then obviously, she was gifted Mccoys essentiall­y by Ger.

“That’s gone now, and she’s kind of back doing some marketing stuff with Rafferty.

“But I’d like to see her career really take off and see her in a position of authority and power in her own life, and just kind of standing on her own two feet a bit; making a mark for herself.”

And after nine years in Carrigstow­n, Rebecca revealed there is one thing that she reckons she would like to see Hayley do one day.

She said,“i would like a wedding at some point, I think. Not even to be a bride, just to go to a wedding — I’ve never gone to a wedding in Carrigstow­n. I’m in the show nine years, and I’ve never been invited to a wedding. So, I’d like to go to a wedding.”

Fair City marked its 34th anniversar­y earlier this year and Rebecca shared what she reckons it is about the show that continues to strike a chord with audiences.

She said,“all soaps reflect what’s going on in modern culture and society — I think it is a bit of a reflection back.

“There’s obviously a nice level of drama, which I think provides a healthy level of distractio­n.

“But it does really touch on issues that are important for the viewer, and that people can identify with and recognise.

“And I think that Fair City has done a great job over the years of touching on really sensitive, important things and the viewers are able to relate to it.

“It’s a healthy mix of identifyin­g and relating to something and escapism, when there’s like, something highly dramatic happening.”

“It’s a big workload, but it’s always really rewarding and a lot of fun to do...”

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Hayley in Fair City GRIMES OF THE CENTURY: Actress Rebecca Grimes plays

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