Irish Daily Star - Chic

‘THE BOOKS HAVE BECOME not just a children’s book but a family bonding experience’


Irish author Benji Bennett has told how he hopes to bring families closer together with his Adam’s Cloud book series. His first book, Beforeyou Sleep, was released in 2008. Since then, there have been eight other books, a jigsaw and most recently, the Beforeyou Sleep bear — something which he hopes will inspire confidence, hope, happiness, resilience, and love for children and their loved ones.

More than a million copies of the books have been sold across the globe, and part of the proceeds of each book go to charities including Barretstow­n, Barnardos, Anam Cara, Make a Wish, and Lauralynn.

Benji told Chic how the death of his and his wife Jackie’s four-year-old son, Adam, led him to write the books as he wanted to do something that would“help bring families closer and make them realise that spending time together is the best thing”.

The dad told how the“whole essence and inspiratio­n behind everything that I do”came to him“the very moment we lost Adam”.

He said,“we had this traumatic night, but then it was very peaceful. We lay with him we sang songs — there was a calmness, it wasn’t like what you see on TV. There was no crazy, running around in hysterics.

“It was quite beautiful, those few moments that we had, and very respectful for Adam. And then when we lost him, he was gone — we knew it was coming.

“We were going through this process of knowing he was going to go within the next 10 minutes or couple of hours. At the very moment that we lost him, there was obviously this hugely emotional moment of like, ‘sh*t, he’s gone — I can’t believe his has happened’.

“At that instance, in the same time — I turned to Jackie and I said,‘we’ll get through this; we’ll be OK. We love each other, we loved Adam and we spent so much time with him — we have an amazing family. We’ll get through this. We have no regrets, we spent so much time with Adam and had great fun; we packed a lot in’.”

Benji recalled how he knew“we just have to help bring families closer and make them realise that spending time together is the best thing. It’s great fun and it’s so important”.

He continued,“that was with me straight away, and that message was delivered very profoundly at his funeral mass. I stood up and did a eulogy for him and said that if Adam’s death — I remember talking about Adam and we were really lucky, and how we were really lucky to spend the time with him and his energy.

“And one of the lines I gave to everybody and ended on was that if Adam’s death means that every child gets an extra ten minutes of play time with mum and dad and told they are loved every day, then that’s OK. I’ll be able to deal with that. I’ll be able to make sense of why he’s gone.

“One of the biggest hurts of grief is making sense of it — the why, the how, the why me.

“That was something where — it was before there was ever a book. It was,

Children’s author Benji Bennett on bringing families together with his books… By Keeley Ryan

‘this was the reason why Adam died, if it means that every child is told that they’re loved and has an extra 10 minutes of playtime; that’s OK, then I can deal with that’.”

Benji told how he initially thought about doing a“website of all these wonderful parental resources you can do with your kids”— but that idea began to change.

He said,“i started writing because we don’t have any videos of Adam, so I just started writing all these stories of all of the fun that we had together, whether we were camping or kicking a ball.

“From our time down in Britta’s Bay, I wrote,‘i love you much more than Britta’s Bay’ — it was one of those things — and that kind of turned into the beach that was there. And when I wrote the book, it wasn’t necessaril­y just about me rememberin­g my time with Adam.

“It was more about how do I create an environmen­t and an experience for families where I can help encourage, remind and create a situation where a child is told that they’re loved before they go to sleep that really reassures them, and helps bond and connect with them.

“And when I as writing my first book, Beforeyou Sleep, it was always to create that experience for other people.

“It was obviously inspired by Adam and the fun that we had, but also my deep, painful experience of wanting to hold Adam and knowing how he might’ve felt when I held him and told him I loved him. I wanted every other child to have that, and that’s where Beforeyou Sleep came from.

“It was never necessaril­y a book about what me and Adam did, but it was inspired by all the fun that we had and trying to give Adam’s energy and magic and innocence to every family to share together, to travel on these many different adventures together and tell the children that they’re loved — and to literally send them to sleep looking like Adam on the front cover of that book.

“That image is a representa­tion of an actual photograph of Adam lying on the couch, holding a bear and with a big small on his face.

“That’s how it started.”

Benji recalled how after writing the first book and getting a loan from the bank, he went to Cartoon Saloon with a 30-page illustrati­on brief — and they put illustrato­r Roxanne Burchartz on the project, who did a“wonderful”job.

He continued,“we published that book on Adam’s first anniversar­y.

The 13th of August 2007, which is my birthday, is when we lost him — and on the 13th of August 2008, we launched, you might say, his legacy without realising it.

“There was no plan here. There was a book with beautiful illustrati­ons, no publisher or agent — just me with the love in my heart, trying to do something.”

The initial printing of the books was for 10,000 copies, and Benji told how they were all sold within six weeks after an appearance on Ireland AM and The Ryan Tubridy Show.

He went back and got another 10,000 copies,“and within another couple of weeks they were all gone.”

Benji recalled how they sold almost 30,000 books between August and

Christmas that year — and he soon began to pen the next adventure.

He said,“i wanted to write a little adventure for Harry and Adam — just the two of them, because Harry was so close to Adam because they were best friends; Harry was six and Adam was four.

“I wrote the space book, which is Harry and Adam going around space. After that, the other kids came along and I just kept writing and funding books. And now we’re at nine books, a teddy bear and a jigsaw and a Dunnes tour.”

Benji added that it’s been both an “amazing” and “tough, hard journey” — and one that’s been“a rollercoas­ter of emotions and ups and downs.”

He said,“i’ve done it just by getting out there. The hardest part of it is putting books into the boot of the car and just deriving over to the UK, doing shows over there to try and keep revenue coming in, and funding an illustrati­on for my next book.

“And then there’s time where I feel like Bono at a gig, where there’s loads of people coming over to buy my books and telling me how much how they mean to their children.

“Obviously with the highlights, that includes being in the Irish Book Awards. That was huge. But now

I’m at the stage where I’m worrying less — I’m not worried about global domination and taking over the world. I wanted to do it for Adam; I wanted him to be a global name.

“But now I’m going,‘let’s stop worrying about that and just enjoy what we have’.”

Benji told how the recent book tour — and the opportunit­y he’s had with Dunnes — is another highlight, and has “actually changed my life”and given him“a little bit of certainty.”

He added,“i know now that I have a number of book signing, I know what I’m going to be building online and I know what I’ll be getting little bits from the shops — before, I never had that.

“My favourite part of the journey, after 15 years, is actually now where I’m not desperate to sell a book.

“I’m going out and if someone wants to buy a book, great. If they don’t, I’m not going ‘sugar, I needed that sale’. Now, it’s a bit more stable and steady.

“And I love interactin­g with the kids. I have babies coming up, toddlers coming up — I have 22-year-olds coming up and saying,‘i read those books, they made my childhood; they were my favourite books in the house’.

“I have parents coming up who’ve lost their own children saying,‘your books are incredible, they got me through the most difficult time in my life’. They just want to come up and say thank you for writing the books.

“Some people will talk about things like, ‘oh, I love the illustrati­ons and I read these to my kid and these are the memories that I have’ — but so many people just go,‘thank you for writing them’. They’re just lovely.

“And the kids love them, and I love them, and it’s changed our perception on things — the messages that are in the books, I really took them on board.

“The books have become not just a children’s book, but a family bonding experience.”

Benji told how there are also many grandparen­ts who are buying the books for themselves as“it brings out their inner child and they’re getting something out of the books they never had when they were younger”.

The author added that he gets stories from everybody, whether it’s“from grandparen­ts, from mothers, from fathers, from kids”.

He continued,“everyone has a story — whether it’s really positive, amazing, wonderful and happy stories to really tough, hard and tragic stories.

“But I know that Adam is always bringing them a little bit of something to brighten their day, which is probably the best part of my journey now — not working about things, having the opportunit­y to get out and really chatting to people. And, hopefully, giving them something to hold onto and to take away; planting a little seed of happiness with them that they can water themselves when they’re gone, and it’ll grow into a big oak tree into strength and happiness.

“It’s the same with the babies, as well. Read to them from the day that they’re both, and you have to plant that seed — and you’ll have an oak tree of strength and resilience when they’re older, which is a big part of my message, you know?”


The Adam’s Cloud collection and Before You Sleep Bear can be purchased online at www.adamscloud. com and in selected Dunnes can follow Adam’s Cloud on social at @adams_cloud

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 ?? ?? OPPORTUNIT­IES: Children’s author Benji Bennett (also main image left)
OPPORTUNIT­IES: Children’s author Benji Bennett (also main image left)

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