Irish Daily Star - Chic

‘What I love about it is how uniquely irish it was’

The cast of LOL: Last One Laughing Ireland on what makes Irish comedy stand out… By Keeley Ryan


Graham Norton has opened up about the“uniquely Irish” new show LOL: Last One Laughing Ireland — and how the programme is a“deep dive into Ireland”. The Cork native hosts the series, which sees 10 of Ireland’s comedic stars brought together to do whatever it takes to try and make each other laugh — all without cracking a smile themselves.

The cast includes Aisling Bea, Amy Huberman, Catherine Bohart, David Mcsavage, Deirdre O’kane, Emma Doran, Jason Byrne, Martin Angolo, Paul Tylak, and Tony Cantwell — with surprise celebrity cameos including Jedward and The Den.

The cast will use every comedic trick in the tool box to try and outlast their competitor­s — and the last one standing will win a grand prize of €50,000 for their chosen charity.

In a Q&A ahead of the show’s premiere, Graham told how there’s something“very funny about watching people trying not to laugh and watching them nearly break”— and opened up about his initial reaction to the idea of the show.

He said,“when you hear the aim of the show is for people not to laugh, then you think ‘How will that be funny? It is just people in silence!’

“But it turns out it is really funny, and also, there is a lot more laughing in it than you think there is going to be!

“There are breaks in between, with the yellow card or the red card, and hilarity ensues, but then we all take it very seriously again.

“And also, there is something very funny about watching people trying not to laugh and watching them nearly break. It is a delicious thing.”

The telly presenter added that one of the things that stuck out to him was the “range” within the show — and he particular­ly loved how “uniquely Irish it was”.

He said,“there was silliness, there wauite cerebral things, there was dark stuff. It covers everything, it is kind of amazing how broad Irish comedy is.

“It kind of encompasse­s everything, and it all still feels genuinely Irish.

And I think this show will play well internatio­nally, but what I loved about it is how uniquely Irish it was. What a deep dive into Ireland it was.

“So as people abroad will be laughing, they’ll also be scratching their heads asking ‘What the hell is that about??’”

Aisling Bea added the she was“quite surprised”by both the production in general and how“specifical­ly Irish it is”.

She said,“there is a level of things you get in it if you are Irish and grew up here, and then there’s levels other people will get, but they won’t get that bonus round.

“I think with this everyone around the world will enjoy it, but there’s so many layers just for Irish people.

“In fact, I think Irish people are going to lose their minds over this, to be honest.

“Production threw some big surprises at us that we just lost our minds over. And I couldn’t believe that they managed to pull it off, and kept it a


secret, which is so hard in Ireland, because everyone knows where the bodies are buried here!”

Amy Huberman told how“everything and everyone was dangerous”when it came to trying to avoid laughing.

She continued,“i’ve worked with Aisling Bea before, and I knew that her physical comedy was going to be a slow torture to me, trying to watch her, over a number of hours.“and then the look on Deirdre’s face. And her eyes. And the general compositio­n of her head. I would just look at her and go ‘That is too much’.

“Because there is just boldness in Deirdre O’kane’s eyes. If she just caught you with a side look, then that was it.”

Catherine Bohart addd that she was initially worried Aisling would make her laugh because the two of them are pals — and“she knows exactly how to make me laugh”.

She continued,“you know who I wasn’t expecting – and there were so many people in there who I’m a huge fan of – but Amy Huberman!

“I think because I don’t associate her with being a stand-up comic, but she destroyed me. She is the person I had to walk away from the most.

“I could not spend a moment in that woman’s company. And I mean that as a compliment.”

The comedy series is the latest adaptation of the Japanese show Documental, created by and starring Hitoshi Matsumoto and owned by Yoshimoto Kogyo.

The programme sees Matsumoto lead ten comedians betting their own money in an anything goes“battle of laughter behind closed doors.”

The LOL: Last One Laughing format became a huge hit with viewers — and has since been adapted around the globe, with local versions in Mexico, Australia, India, France, Spain, Canada, The Netherland­s, Colombia, Brazil, and Sweden.

Jason Byrne told Chic how after seeing some of the internatio­nal versions, he hoped the show would be coming to Ireland — and opened up about what led him to want to take part.

He said,“i’d seen it when it first came out. I came across the Canadian one three or four years ago, with Tom Green on it — and I was just like,‘what the f**k is this?’

“But then I’m just rattling off those things on the stage, again and again. And then I started telling people about it, going, ‘did you see this thing with comedians locked in a room?’ And they think it’s like this, with comedians sitting around a table trying to make each other laugh.

“And I’m like, ‘no, it’s a huge thing’ — and then the Swedish one came on, and then the Australian one. I’ve got loads of Australian mates on that one.

“I was just like,‘this has to come here’. And here we are now.”

Tony Cantwell said,“i’m a huge fan of the Australian one. I saw it just when it came out and I was like,‘this is a genius premise’.

“Even though I didn’t know most of the Australian comedians, it is just such fun TV.

“You laugh at the gags, and you laugh at the gags that have failed. There’s not many shows where you can do that; laugh at people n to laughing. It’s an insane premise.”

Deirdre O’kane added,“i watched the Australian one and I didn’t like it initially. I thought, ‘oh, this isn’t my cup of tea at all’ — it takes a little while to get into.

“But as you go on, and you get to know everybody in it, it pulls you in and you’re rooting for people.”

Martin Angolo said,“i’ve seen the Japanese version, which is called something else — Documental. And then it became Last One Laughing.

“That one is extreme, because the comedians put their own money into it.”

The comedian told how while he wouldn’t have considered himself naturally deadpan before the show, that may have changed since.

He said,“early on, when we went into the room, everyone was like, ‘you’re going to be hard to break.’ And I just went,‘do I seem miserable?’”

Deirdre added,“you’re naturally deadpan, and Dave and myself are naturally deadpan.”

Tony explained that he wouldn’t consider himself to be deadpan — but he had been“so worried that I was going to laugh just to make people like me”.

He continued,“because that’s the courtesy — they make the joke, and I’m like, ‘well, I love you, so hahaha and I’ll leave now’.”

Deirdre said,“i kept saying that because you couldn’t laugh at people\s jokes, it was so hideous — it’s like you’re a rookie comic whois dying on your arse again.

“That’s why I kept saying,‘i think there’s very funny; very well done’.”

Martin added,“for the sake of everyone’s egos, it was, ‘in normal circumstan­ces, I would laugh at that’.”

Deirdre recalled how every time someone was about to be thrown out for laughing, she was“convinced that I was going to be the one who had to go”.

Tony added that there was a sense of relief when they got to laugh when the yellow or red cards were being issued.

He said,“it was such a relief to be able to laugh again, just to know that you‘re human. It’s like, ‘is this how we are now? Have we evolved into this horrible being and will we ever go back?’

“But when you got to laugh again, it’s like,‘i laugh because things are funny — I’m not some sycophant walking around laughing at things all the time. This is my natural place to be and it’s just to naturally laugh’.”

Martin added,“i loved the switch. When it’s red, and you’ve got the freedom to laugh a bit — and then we go back and you just start meditating inside.”

Jason said,“the breaks that we have when someone gets caught out, that is a beautiful release. I feel terrible not laughing at someone doing something.

“Everybody was really funny. It’s great to be able to go up to them and go, ‘oh my god, thank you so much for that’.”

Emma Doran told how there was one particular area of the room that she tried to avoid while filming.

She explained,“i didn’t really eat because I didn’t want to be in the kitchen, because I thought that it would be dangerous to be stuck in one area for too long.

“I didn’t want to get bogged down while making a pizza; I was like,‘i don’t have time for this’.”

Paul Tylak said,“i kept going for the coffee machine for something just to keep me distracted; for actions to do.”

Jason added that being told not to smile added another layer to the challenge of the experience.,

He continued,“i would naturally smile if I say something. And a lot of people had done something, smiled and then they’d get a yellow card.

“It’s not a laughable situation, we were just smiling at something else.”

Paul said,“you’d be chatting to someone and you’d smile because you would be listening politely — but there’s like, 50 people watching the screens to see if anyone smiles.”

Emma added that while they could develop facial coping techniques to help them avoid smiling or laughing, things didn’t always go quite to plan.

She said,“you can touch your face, but then your brain starts to forget — I was worried, I was like, ‘am I smiling right now? I feel like I’m not, but I’ve lost control of the muscles there’.”

Jason told how his plan at the start was to“hunt down the strongest”— and while he’d initially set his sights on making David Mcsavage laugh, he knew it“just wasn’t going to work”.

The comedian also shared some of the tips and tricks he picked up to try and avoid laughing.

He said,“i sussed out that if you count backwards from 100, you won’t laugh.

“You go 98, 97, 96 — and it really works. It also said to look for colours — go like, white, red, green, blue, yellow — and your brain [is distracted]. And the other big one was to hurt yourself, so I was pinching the inside of my arm. I’d pinch myself there if I was about to laugh.

“[Not laughing] doesn’t sound that hard, but it’s very hard. It was good fun, though. The intensity is there.”

Deirdre added that while she had been“100% convinced I would get myself out”by laughing at her own jokes, she practiced not laughing — and found one particular technique helpful.

She said,“[i practiced] a little bit, but I failed very badly. I did do the fish face thing, which I did a lot in the show.”

Tony added,“it was very effective, it was a very effective fish looked like you were going to break so many times.” ■

LOL: Last One Laughing Ireland launches globally on Primevideo on Friday, January 19.

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