Irish Daily Star - Chic

‘i’m UNCOVERING A BIT MORE OF My Irish background as I go along’

Reverend Richard Coles on his new show Borderline National Trinket… By Keeley Ryan


Reverend Richard Coles has told how“great”it’s been to be touring his new show— and how it’s reminded him of some of the things he“most liked about being a vicar”. The author will be taking to the stage at Dublin’s Liberty Theatre on January 25 as part of his Borderline National Trinket tour.

The show includes tales from throughout his life — from pop stardom to religious epiphany; love to the madness of grief — as he pulls back the curtain on a life that has been both truly and truthfully lived.

And Reverend Coles told Chic how there’s a “camaraderi­e” and “warmth”about the show — and how he’s enjoyed connecting with audiences throughout the tour so far.

He said,“a lot of the stuff I do, it’s down the microphone or through a camera.

“So to actually be in the same place at the same time as real people, I’ve been really enjoying it.

“And it sort of reminds me of the things that I most liked about being a vicar, which is sharing stories with people in real life.”

The former Strictly Come Dancing contestant opened up about what audiences can expect from the show — and how the name for it first came about.

He recalled,“it’s called Borderline National Trinket. That came about because my late husband, David — I once made the mistake of preening myself, when somebody said I was a national treasure. And he wasn’t having that for a second.

“He came back with ‘borderline national trinket’, and that stuck.

“People seem to be interested in this rather odd CV that I have, which looks like the work of a fantasist, I fully appreciate it. But it did happen.

“I think there’s something about having been a pop star, and then having been a priest and then popping up on Strictly and Masterchef and stuff — and at the same time, trying to work in a parish and look after some people and have them look after me.

“I think that people are curious about that, so we talk about that a little bit. But I think what makes the show enjoyable for me is — I’m a 61-year-old man who’s been around the block, and I tend to be talking to people who are around the same sort of age and they’ve also walked around the block, too.

“And there’s a camaraderi­e about that, and a warmth. I think we’ve affirmed something about the pleasure that you can take and just sharing your experience, and kind of looking back over your life and thinking ‘well, that was interestin­g — we’ve come this far, and we’re standing up; we’re facing forward’.”

Reverend Coles told how he’s hoping to“catch up with some of the cousins who I haven’t seen for a while”when the show comes to Dublin later this month — and how he’s“sort of uncovering a bit more of my Irish background as I go along”.

He continued,“i was on a cruise ship doing this talk, and one of the passengers turned out to be one of my Irish cousins who I’d never met before.

“And it was fascinatin­g meeting her; we swapped stories, so I got a bit of triangulat­ion on the English from the Irish family’s point of view, and I gave them a a bit of triangulat­ion on the Irish family from the English family’s point of view.

“That was fascinatin­g.”

Reverend Coles is the author of the Canon Clement mystery series, with the next instalment in the series set to hit shelves in June.

The first in the series, Murder Before Evensong, was optioned for TV in 2022 — and he told how production is set to start this year.

The radio presenter also said there’s “someone I would love to play the part”.

He added,“i mean, everyone always says, ‘oh, is Canon Clement based on


you?’ And he’s not at all, actually. There are some similariti­es, but if it was based on me, then Ryan Gosling would be the obvious choice — or maybe Tom Cruise.

“But I think realistica­lly, there’s someone I would love to play the part.

“But I don’t want to say it, because I don’t want to jinx it.

“But the bloke who wrote the adaptation, he said, ‘you know there’s only one person who can play this, don’t you?’and I said,‘who’s that?’and he said the same name. So, fingers crossed.”

Having achieved so many incredible things throughout his life already, the Reverend Coles also shared how there’s one thing in particular that he would love to do.

He said,“i’d like to learn to yodel. I’ve always wanted to yodel, but I’ve never managed to find the time or indeed someone who could teach it.

“I’m not sure if I have the natural gift and it may be a natural gift.

“I don’t think you can really have a bucket list with one thing on it — but it’s to yodel.

“I did learn the accordion in lockdown. That was something I’d always wanted to do; I had a secret desire to learn to play the accordion.

“And someone died and left me an accordion, so in lockdown I took some lessons.

“I love the idea of sitting in a corner of a pub somewhere in Ireland, playing tunes with some musicians.” ■

For more informatio­n or to get tickets, visit www.richardcol­

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 ?? ?? MAN OF MANY TALENTS: Reverend Richard Coles; and (below) on Strictly Come Dancing
MAN OF MANY TALENTS: Reverend Richard Coles; and (below) on Strictly Come Dancing

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