Irish Daily Star - Chic

Maria’s worst NIGHTMARE

- By Rachel Beresford

In this week’s trip to the cobbles, Liam announces to Maria that he’s not going to school anymore. This forces Gary and Maria to go to see Mrs Crawshaw and explain how Liam’s refusing to go to school because he’s being bullied by Mason and Dylan. Mrs Crawshaw tells them that until they have proof, there’s nothing she can do.

Eileen urges Maria to check Liam’s socials as she’ll likely find the evidence she needs there. So she creates a fake Sendpx account and sends Liam a follow request.

As Maria scrolls through the comments on Liam’s account her face becomes ashen. Later, she and Gary tell Liam that the only option left is for him to change schools.

But in his bedroom, Liam googles ways to kill himself.

The next day, Maria confronts Mason and Dylan and tells them that because of their vile bullying, Liam will have to change schools.

Mason’s amused whilst Dylan feels bad.

Later Liam calls at the salon and tells Maria she’s a good mum and he loves her. As Liam heads out, he looks at her, aware it could be for the last time.

Meanwhile, at the school, a teacher shows Mrs Crawshaw the search history on Liam’s returned laptop.

But as Maria fails to notice a missed call from the school, Gary is called in. And racing to the salon he breaks the news to Maria that Liam’s been researchin­g ways to kill himself.

Rememberin­g Liam’s earlier words, a horrified Maria rushes back to the flat in a desperate bid to find Liam.

Will she make it in time?

Elsewhere, Amy admires the Valentine’s card that Steve gave Tracy but Steve admits that she didn’t buy him one.

At the flower shop Tommy spells out to Tracy that they’re finished, with Tracy making out she couldn’t care less when suddenly Amy appears, demanding to know what’s going on.

Later in the week, Tracy seductivel­y invites Tommy to join her in the back of the shop — will he be able to resist?

Also this week, as Sam plays chess with Roy before school, he struggles to make a basic move and Roy’s bemused.

Meanwhile Simon tells Nick he’s sorry about the car and Nick assures him it was an accident, but when Kevin lets slip that the car repairs were nothing to do with the brakes, Nick’s suspicions grow.

Meanwhile, at school Hope finds Sam unconsciou­s on the floor and yells for a teacher. Sam’s rushed to hospital, where Leanne tells the doctor that Sam was involved in a car accident, as she is forced to admit to Nick that the brakes weren’t at fault and she lied to protect Simon as he’d been drinking and was over the limit when he crashed.

Nick reels while, awash with guilt , Simon decides to take responsibi­lity.

Later, Sam’s upset to discover Simon’s moved out while Leanne rails at Nick for throwing Simon out and always putting his own son first.

When she finds him huddled on a bench in Victoria Garden, Leanne’s horrified to realise he’s been there all night.

Simon pours his heart out, telling her that Nick’s right, he’s a waste of space, he drinks too much and is turning into his dad.

How will Leanne react?

Finally this week, when Bethany assures Daniel that she’ll never do anything to hurt him again and she’ll speak to Daisy about her article, will they kiss and make up?

Later, she persuades Daisy to join her for a coffee in the hope they can bury the hatchet, but when the conversati­on descends into a row will Bethany be able to fight her corner?

And Rita and Mary are taken aback to learn that Bobby is Rob’s son.

Feeling the heat, Bobby tells Carla he needs to know all about Tina, the girl his dad killed.

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Maria and Gary; and (right) Tracy and Tommy
ALL IN TURMOIL: Maria and Gary; and (right) Tracy and Tommy

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