Irish Daily Star - Chic



In this week’s trip to Hollyoaks, Warren tells Mercedes he needs her to launder money through the garage, but after she refuses the conversati­on heats up.

Prince walks in and tries to put a stop to it, but Warren lashes out throwing something at him.

Later, flyers with Prince being the face of the Mcqueens carwash and some misleading wording leaves him receiving some unwanted phone calls.

Elsewhere, Tony confides in Sally about Rose’s revelation, and she encourages the landlord to seek help to guide him and Diane through the transition.

Taking on Sally’s advice, Tony makes an appointmen­t at the doctors for Rose, but when Diane finds out, worried it’s too soon she expresses her concerns.

After accidental­ly breaking a wing mirror outside the garage, Rose ends up confiding in Mercedes who reminds them to not let anyone stop them from being who they really are.

Meanwhile, a frightened Leah and Lucas don’t want to be at home, worried that Warren may come to hurt them. Cindy walks by and seeing how distressed the teens are tries to comfort them, reminding them their dad’s actions aren’t their fault. Refusing to let Warren kick them out of their own house, Lucas returns home. James manages to get Ste released, but the father receives a less than warm welcome from his kids.

Later in the week, after a message is left on the garage door, Mercedes tells Warren she’s not scared of him.

Sally is still exhausted and looking unwell.

Prince doesn’t want to let Warren get away with his threats but his family plead with him to stay out of it.

While creeping on Warren, Prince overhears a conversati­on about him plotting his revenge on Mercedes, but when his phone goes off Prince is caught and locked in The Loft office. Later, we see Prince escape and rush to get Mercedes out of the garage believing she’s in danger of Warren.

In the Gaeltacht, when Frankie pesters Diana about the plan to kill Mack and Cyril, Diana becomes irritated and shoots him down.

However, Frankie is persistent and despite Diana’s attempts to brush him off, shows up at her door.

Much to Diana’s surprise, Frankie has leverage and knows more informatio­n than he has let on. Diana has her back against the wall.

Will she agree to Frankie’s plan or risk Mack’s safety?

Later in the week, Diana and Frankie dive straight into planning Mack’s murder but while Diana remains composed she is burdened with guilt.

Meanwhile Mack goes from worrying that Diana is going to end things, to feeling secure again.

However, Diana continues to scheme when Mack’s back is turned.

Does Diana have feelings for Mack or is he just another pawn in her game?

Elsewhere, Maeve is still adamant about getting her way but Caitríona sees right through her manipulati­on.

Later on, Caitríona shares her feelings about Cyril with David and as the day progresses, David goes from questionin­g Caitriona’s protective­ness to becoming more understand­ing of it.

ROS na Rún

 ?? ?? ILLEGAL: Mercedes and Warren
ILLEGAL: Mercedes and Warren

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