Irish Daily Star - Inside Sport

Frank-ly it was a hell of a battle

- ■ ■Karl O’KANE

FRANK Burns recalls the “scary” time last year when Covid hit the Tyrone camp hard and it looked like they might be out of the AllIreland race.

Burns (26) was one of four players that missed the Ulster final triumph over Monaghan after the virus hit the Red Hands camp.

Tyrone were granted a week’s grace before their All-Ireland semifinal with Kerry.

When they said they couldn’t field the GAA agreed to give them another week to get ready. The rest is history, as Tyrone went all the way to the Sam Maguire.

“As a team it (Covid) had a massive effect on us,” says Burns.

“We faced adversity but thankfully we overcame it. We were very nearly being put out of the competitio­n, which was a scary thought. Thankfully it all worked out in the end.


“Personally, I’d got it before the Ulster final so it came at a bad time. It was just about getting over it, but getting yourself back for the next game was a huge challenge.

“It nearly felt like you were back to square one in fitness when you were starting (training) again.

“Similar to the team, thankfully it all worked out for me as well.” Burns was out for a lengthy spell. “It wasn’t just the 10 days isolation,” he says. “There was a 17-day return to play protocol, which was adhered to strictly. It was three weeks plus until you were back to a decent level of fitness.

“It was a major setback now, but look you just had to keep a positive attitude and hope that it worked out for you in the end, which it did. There were boys in a worse position than me that got it later on going into that Kerry game.

“It would have taken some mental toughness to get through it.

“Some boys showed some huge character.”

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