Irish Daily Star - Inside Sport

I’ve coached people since I was 17 or 18 years old

philly M cmahon busier than ever since quitting dublin

- Mark mccadden

SAX, dumbell shrugs and scoring goals!

It’s barely a month since Philly McMahon brought the curtain down on his glittering Dublin career and the eight-time All-Ireland winner has already found ways to eat into his spare time.

He reckons he’s now got “40 or 50 hours a week” that he “spent in GAA for the last 14-odd years.”

McMahon adds: “There is a lot of time there to fill with good stuff, and that’s the exciting part.”

So what’s on the agenda?

First up, he has more time to devote to his beloved saxophone.

His BEDO7 gym, which McMahon admits has been hit by Covid-19, will get even more of his attention.

And McMahon is rediscover­ing his love for playing the 11-a-side version of football with Tolka Rovers.

All this plus more opportunit­ies to hang out with friends and loved ones, and more hours to devote to his community work and to his performanc­e coaching.

It’s a wonder that he had a spare minute to himself while he was chalking up honour after honour with the Boys in Blue.

Explaining his passion for the saxophone, McMahon tells the

Irish Daily Star: “I’m possibly one of the most difficult people to buy for.

“But one Christmas my mam asked what I wanted and I said, ‘Get me a saxophone, I’ll learn a musical instrument’.”

Why the sax?

“I love house music and a saxophone can be played with house music,” replies the 34-year-old.

“My sister got me a couple of lessons — that was about five or six years ago. I get lessons off a brilliant guy called Gavin. The only time I’ve played it live was at my wedding. But I’d like to get stuck into it a bit more now and to get that to the next level.”


Will we see him gigging anytime soon?

“No! I don’t think so,” McMahon says. “The guy that teaches me is excellent, he’s well known on the Dublin circuit in terms of DJing and saxophone playing.

“The level he’s at, I just couldn’t see myself getting to that stage; I’d have to put a huge amount of time and effort into it.

“But you never know, I might pull it out for a mate’s party or something like that.

“I’ve been to parties and I’ve seen fellows taking out guitars and stuff like that, and that’s another reason why I’d like to be able to play better.

“But it’s very hard, lots of people bring guitars to parties, but you don’t really see many people carrying around a saxophone!

“It’s definitely something I’d like to do, to take it out with friends and family and play it and have the craic.”

McMahon hasn’t completely given up on Gaelic football.

He plans to continue playing with Ballymun Kickhams and has high hopes for the top Dublin side.

Until then, he is keeping in shape by training with Leinster Senior League Tolka Rovers.

“I’m playing a small bit of soccer at the minute, which I’m loving, with Tolka Rovers,” says the Ballymun native. “And obviously was involved with Bohs last season (as performanc­e coach).

“That gave me a bit of a desire to get back playing a little bit of football. I’ve loved training with Tolka and I played a couple of friendly matches.

“But I’ll hopefully go back to Ballymun ( Kickhams) and give it a bash there. There is a good group there and there is potential to possibly push on and maybe compete for something.”

Onto one of his biggest loves and McMahon is steering his 8,000-square-foot Finglas gym through a Covid crisis that has inflicted serious damage on the industry. He was quick to adapt early on, with online classes and he is quick to pay tribute to the loyalty of his members.


“The gym is still growing,” he says. “Fitness is always something I’ve wanted to do in my career, it’s something I have always been passionate about.

“Then money would be the third thing to come from it.

“Am I good at it, am I passionate about it, and am I good enough to make a few bob, make a living out of it?

“I suppose it gives me a chance to do other things as well. Having my own business, I am able to do performanc­e coaching with Bohemians and with a couple of other GAA clubs.

“That’s something I am really keen and interested in. I have coached people — never mind fitness-wise — since I was 17 or 18.

“Whether in Mountjoy Prison or with my charity work, or in my gyms or the performanc­e coaching I’m doing now, owning your own business gives you the opportunit­y to have that time to look at different areas to go after.”

As for Covid, he adds: “It’s been difficult. At the start it was okay. We went into lockdown and the biggest struggle we had was obviously having to keep on paying rent.

“We had really good members who were supporting us. We were

giving an online service and they were paying for that. But over time, membership dropped off.

“Then we came back, got a little bit of a boost and then we went into lockdown again, and that was worse, because membership completely dropped off.

“We still had to keep paying rent and fell into a bit of arrears.

“Where we are at right now is we are still kind of getting off the ground and it’s stumbling a little bit.


“The difficulty we have now is there are a lot of members who are struggling with Covid and they can’t make it to the actual gym. They are isolating.

“But once the doors are opened, we are able to bring in some revenue to pay some rent, which is key. I’m just hoping we get a good run on it and we get to the summer, and that will give us a bit of a boost.

“It’s been difficult, but I’m thankful I’ve got a really loyal customer base, really good staff members and we’ve tried to push the gym on as much as we could in terms of reinvestin­g into it and bringing something new into the industry. It’s going okay.”

McMahon caught Covid a few weeks ago.

“I had it over Christmas and I had some fluey symptoms, but I was okay, I wasn’t too bad.

“It wasn’t too bad getting it over Christmas, because it meant I didn’t miss too much work.”

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 ?? ?? FRIENDLY FOE: Philly McMahon with Ballymun Kickhams up against former Dublin teammate Paul Mannion with Kilmacud Crokes
FRIENDLY FOE: Philly McMahon with Ballymun Kickhams up against former Dublin teammate Paul Mannion with Kilmacud Crokes
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 ?? ?? fod for thought: Philly at the Stronger Starts launch
fod for thought: Philly at the Stronger Starts launch
 ?? ?? BUSY MAN: Philly McMahon, (right) working with Bohemians as strength and fitness coach, (above) at work in Mountjoy Prison
BUSY MAN: Philly McMahon, (right) working with Bohemians as strength and fitness coach, (above) at work in Mountjoy Prison
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