Irish Daily Star


Grandkids ran screaming in brutal gang violence


CHILDREN mourning their beloved granny fled from her graveside in terror as a bloody brawl “not even the Pope could have stopped” broke out in a cemetery on Wednesday.

And the elderly woman’s coffin was dropped to the ground when fighting broke out between two groups attending separate funerals in Tuam.

Seven people were rushed to hospital — some with stab wounds — while a teenage boy was arrested trying to leave the carnage in possession of a knife.

A witness told how screaming kids still holding the roses they had hoped to place on their grandmothe­r’s coffin were forced to run for their lives as the funeral descended into a bloodbath.

He said: “It was very upsetting seeing children fleeing while still carrying their roses for their granny — they never even got to lay them down.

“The coffin didn’t even make it into the grave and they had to drop it on the ground as the chaos unravelled.”

Another witness told how Fr Pat Farragher begged those fighting to stop out of respect for the dead but the celebrant’s pleas were in vain.

He said: “You could only see the priest waving his arms and appealing for calm but the Pope himself wasn’t going to calm this down.”

Another eyewitness said there was “sporadic outbreaks of trouble” and within seconds the scene became “bedlam with women screaming, kids crying”.

He added: “I saw a lad running away with his jacket torn to shreds from a knife.”


The funeral of Teresa Ward (84) coincided with another funeral in the Co Galway town. Hers was originally meant to take place a day earlier but her dying wish was that she be laid to rest on her late daughter’s birthday.

Galway councillor Donagh Killilea said that the family were carrying her remains to her final resting place when they had to “leave the coffin down while they were getting away from the argument that they weren’t involved in directly”.

He described how Mrs Ward’s family were forced to retreat and even defend themselves as the violence escalated.

The Irish Daily Star spoke to the people of Tuam this morning after about the mass brawl that took place during and after the two funerals at Tuam Cemetery on the Athenry Road.

Martin Antony Ward ( 35) of Ballygaddy Road had just been laid to rest and Teresa Ward (née Mannion) (84) of Gilmartin Road was being buried on Wednesday when a group of men, believed to be unrelated to either family, began to attack mourners of Mrs. Ward’s burial.

It is understood the incident is connected to a local Traveller feud between two families which has escalated in recent months and was not connected to the fami l ies of the deceased.

Locals said they had not iced a Garda presence in the area f rom early morning with some becoming aware of t he large operation as they dropped their children o ff a t creche.

Cllr Killilea said the shameful scenes were “very distressin­g for a family that is so well liked and well thought of in this community”.

A not he r lo c a l described Mrs Ward as a “salt of the earth” woman who was much loved and deserved a peaceful send- off after all she had done for her community.

Burial eyewitness accounts confirmed that the funeral attack lasted twenty minutes or less.

One described how it began with “sporadic outbreaks of trouble” but within seconds the scene became “bedlam with women screaming, kids crying”.

He said: “I saw a lad running away with his jacket torn to shreds from a knife”.


Resident s of Gilmartin Road, where a follow-up attack wa s launched at a postfunera­l reception for Mrs. Ward, were disgusted by the events.

One resident said it was “disappoint­ing” that Tuam would be making internatio­nal news for this instead of the positives of the town.

Michael Joe Ward (76) a neighbour of Mrs Ward said that Gilmartin Road had a bad reputation.

He said: “You used to be afraid to say you were from Gilmartin.

People would discrimina­te,” which he added was “unfair — especially nowadays.”

 ?? ?? HOSPTIALIS­ED: Stab victim rushed to emergency chopper to have their wounds treated
LAID TO REST: The grave of Teresa Ward (84) whose funeral was invaded by mob
HOSPTIALIS­ED: Stab victim rushed to emergency chopper to have their wounds treated LAID TO REST: The grave of Teresa Ward (84) whose funeral was invaded by mob
 ?? ?? APPALLED: Michael Joe Ward outside his house on Gilmartin road, Co Galway
APPALLED: Michael Joe Ward outside his house on Gilmartin road, Co Galway

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