Irish Daily Star

Friend wants to steal my man



MY FRIENDS tell me my new boyfriend is emotionall­y abusive and that I must dump him, but I’m not convinced.

I admit that he is a very intense person who always likes to know where I am and what I’m doing — but that’s only because he loves me, right?

I don’t mind him driving me everywhere because it saves me getting

MY FRIEND is recently divorced and after my man.

She’s a terrifying woman on the prowl. She keeps turning up here in outrageous outfits. The other day it was stockings, thigh boots and a flimsy see-through blouse.

She chuckles at anything he says and she constantly tells him he’s so funny/clever/wise.

She’s over familiar to the point of embarrassm­ent.

He’s baffled. He’s a trusting, innocent soul who doesn’t understand what’s going on. He claims she’s just being friendly, but I know her of old. We’ve been mates for years.

She’s a woman without morals or guilt. Over the years I’ve watched her steal from employers and sleep her way to the top.

Married men are her drug of choice and I’m terrified she’s trying to seduce and entrap mine.

Before her divorce she was sleeping with a married guy who started off with € 25,000 and ended up with nothing — she happily spent the lot.


His wife came to her in tears pleading for her to leave him alone — but she laughed in her face.

I work away a lot and feel vulnerable and scared. The problem is that she’s sassy and sexy and I’m not. I can’t compete, especially as she knows that my guy has just inherited some cash from his late grandad. back? I just don’t know if I’ve got the stomach for a fight with this woman.

SIOBHAN SAYS: You have to fight for your relationsh­ip with all you’ve got.

What I don’t understand is why this woman is still in your life. Why do you even let her though the front door?

She’s poison through and through. She’s ruthless and cares only about herself. Someone like your guy is like a lamb to the slaughter as far as she’s concerned – especially if he’s now got a few bob tucked away.

You have to level with him and leave him in no doubt that this is serious.

She’s not f unny or c ute, she’s manipulati­ve and dangerous. She spreads unhappines­s and chaos everywhere she goes — and she revels in it .

You and he have to work as a team to protect the life you’ve built for yourselves.

You may have known this toxic “mate” for years, but it’s time to flush her away like the predatory rat she is.

Change how you work, get organised and please don’t roll over because this is the fight of your life.

This woman may have had everything her own way for as long as she can remember, but she now needs to be told by you that she is no longer welcome.

You could even consider speaking to a solicitor if she starts to become a real nuisance.

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