Irish Daily Star



SIOBHAN SAYS: If he really is using condoms for masturbati­on, why doesn’t he wrap the used ones in a tissue and dispose of them discretely?

If he’s cheating and playing games with your mind, tell him you won’t be made a fool of.

Why are you still with him if he’s so untrustwor­thy and unpleasant?

Consider your self-worth and what you want from your future.

Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a man who behaves like this and leaves you feeling so undervalue­d and unsure of yourself?

I’M PHYSICALLY incapable of making love to my long-term partner because I feel so guilty.

Every time she suggests a night of passion, my stomach lurches.

The truth is that I’m a liar and a cheat and I’m having an affair with a colleague.

My partner deserves someone so much better than me.

Her problem is that she thinks that I’m a decent bloke, when nothing could be further from the truth.

She truly loves me, although I can’t imagine why.

My best mate says I should do the right thing and finish with her.

But how can I when she and her family have been so good to me through the years?

Should I walk away and not come

SIOBHAN SAYS: You can’t stay with your long-term girlfriend out of habit or a feeling of obligation.

If you no longer love or respect her, then you have to set her free.


She thinks that you’re one thing, but you’re quite another.

You must tell her the truth before she finds out about your lover from a third party and is left utterly devastated and humiliated.

While any couple can have slipups with cheating, this affair is a continuous betrayal of your partner’s (and her family’s) trust.

The longer this inaction goes on the worse it will be for you and the more you risk by potentiall­y falling out with mutual friends and even members of your own family who have grown fond of your partner.

Why did you start your affair in the first place?

Has your relationsh­ip been on the slide for years?

Before you confess, you must have a clear idea in your head of what you want: forgivenes­s or finish it?

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