Irish Daily Star

Vote could save UK from divorce


SURELY it’s not too late for another Brexit vote in Britain?

It’s obvious by now that it’s more Wrexit than Brexit as the biggest disaster to hit Britain since the Second World War gets worse by the day.

Supermarke­t shelves are emptying, they’re running out of petrol, shipping lines are avoiding their jammed ports, and no one’s queuing up to do a trade deal with them.

And Boris Johnson hasn’t a clue.


All the promises that were made about a Brave New Brexit Britain have turned into lies — including the one on the side of the Brexit Bus about £ 350 million (€415m) a week being freed up for the health service.

The NHS is rapidly going broke.

Like a bad marriage, the people of the UK deserve a second chance and a shot at Britain divorcing Brexit.

“All I can say to the Irish people — some of whom may be watching tonight — is that if things go our way there will be a new government in six weeks time and the banks aren’t getting another cent.”

The Blueshirts won — and a year later, dud Irish banks got another € 24 billion of our hard- earned taxes, including €1.25bn to Anglo Irish.


Or Fine Gael’s election vow to abolish the HSE — it’s still there too.

And let’s not forget Labour’s lit t le breaches of trust — like Eamo n Gilmore’s 2011 preelectio­n promise that he’d put manners on the EU by renegotiat­ing the penal EU- IMF deal done by the Fianna Failures.

Labour’s way, not Frankfurt’s way. Labour got into government and it was Frankfurt’s Way all the way.

In Labour’s 2011 manifesto, it clearly stated: “Labour does not favour water charges” focusing instead on fixing leaks.

Labour got into government and enthusiast­ically started sending out water charges even before one single solitary water metre went into the ground.

 ?? ?? HYPOCRITE: Leo Varadkar slammed Boris for his actions but turns a blind eye closer to home
HYPOCRITE: Leo Varadkar slammed Boris for his actions but turns a blind eye closer to home
 ?? ?? DISASTER: Queue for petrol in Britain
DISASTER: Queue for petrol in Britain
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