Irish Daily Star

Drone’s a bad buzz when you’re fishing GLORIOUS ISOLATION RUINED


I STOOD — fishing rod in hand — on rocks facing the Atlantic, inches from churning water. I stared at the drone. The drone stared back at me.

Fishing is one of the greatest things I can do. I love it because sometimes I catch fish, but also because it lets me mind my own business.

I like being on my own because it’s one of the best ways I can have a good conversati­on. Fishing enables all this.

So, early on Monday, I went to the Clare coast and stood on the edge of the Burren trying to catch a mackerel.

The only life, apart from me, was wildlife. Even the fish had decided to leave me alone which, to be reasonable, is fair enough. Glorious isolation, and gulls.

Then, I heard it — a buzzing noise not usually associated with the flora and fauna of cliff edges in the West of Ireland.

I was so alone I first thought it might be water fizzing through an undergroun­d cavern. Then the bastard drone flew right past my head.

I can tell you right now that the best footwear might not be sufficient to maintain balance and not fall onto rocks and die a horrible death in those circumstan­ces.

I think I inadverten­tly yelped aloud words along the lines of “what the f**k was that?” — and then the buzzing was silent...

Until the damn thing came back a few seconds later, from the opposite direction, just as low and interested in the angry expression on my face.

I looked around, wondering what else might fly past, when I saw three tourists 100 metres away. The littlest, and perhaps most annoying, of the three was holding a remote control.

Then the drone returned, this time hovering in front of me, a red light on it blinking ignorantly.


Often, when caught up in an absurd situation, I only think of the perfect thing to say hours or days later. This was no different.

I turned to the tourists again and, to my eternal shame, shouted: “hello”.

That was no way to deal with this developing travesty. The drone shot up vertically, flew off to my left, and then returned for some flybys behind me.

I did what I had to do. I f **** d off. As I was getting into my car back up on the road, so did they. They even gave a little wave as they drove towards Fanore. Somewhere, someone — possibly called Pablo, possibly called Hank — has great video footage of an angry Irish person.

I can only imagine and hope — after all that — I qualify for some sort of tourism grant. I’ll take it. Thanks.

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BUZZKILL: Drone disrupted my fishing

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