Irish Daily Star


Signs it’s time to find a new institutio­n

- See if you want to make the move.

LET’S face it, sometimes relationsh­ips run their course. And that can apply to your bank.

While the idea of switching banks might feel like a chore, there are clear signs that it could be the key to unlocking a happier, healthier financial future.

Recent research by Europe’s second largest neobank bunq paints a surprising picture of the Irish banking landscape.

While over half (51%) of Irish consumers say they trust their banks to have their best interests at heart, a concerning 23% still harbour doubts.

This disconnect highlights a potential lack of transparen­cy — a crucial element in any healthy relationsh­ip.

Think about it: would you stay with a partner who kept financial secrets from you?

Here are some red flags to watch out for that might indicate your bank isn’t being entirely transparen­t, or simply isn’t the right fit for you anymore...

The Fee Fiasco

bunq’s research found that 50% of Irish consumers are either completely (12%) or somewhat (38%) unaware of the banking fees they incur. Hidden fees can silently chip away at your hard-earned savings, leaving you feeling frustrated, unseen, and taken for granted.

Tech Troubles

Does your banking app feel like it belongs in a museum? Modern life demands seamless convenienc­e, and your bank should reflect that.

Customer Service MIA

Getting the runaround from customer service or feeling like just another account number is a major red flag. Your financial partner should value your business and be readily available to answer your questions 24/7.

The Rise of the Digital Duo

The good news is the world of banking is no longer stuck in the past. bunq’s research also found that over 40% of Irish consumers are open to fully migrating to a digital bank in the future.

These institutio­ns often prioritise transparen­cy with clear fee structures, user-friendly technology that makes managing your money a breeze, and competitiv­e rates that can help your finances flourish.

You’re Fee-fighter Fatigued

Are you constantly battling unexpected charges? Look for a bank with a transparen­t fee structure and minimal costs that align with your banking habits.

You’re A Tech Trailblaze­r

Today’s banking should be convenient and accessible. If your current bank feels stuck in the dark ages with clunky technology, a digital bank with a user-friendly app might be the perfect match.

You Crave Financial Goals

Do you feel like your bank doesn’t understand your financial goals? Look for a bank that offers tools and resources to help you budget effectivel­y, save for that dream vacation, or invest in your future.

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